The Seychelles was everything Sue Ellen
had dreamed of and more. After checking into their exclusive villa on one of the private islands, the family had enjoyed a
delicious meal together, laughed and joked, talked about old times and had toasted JR and Sue Ellen. JR had surprised everyone,
but Sue Ellen especially, by making his own special toast to her, referring to her as "my past, my present and my future -
in short, my life".
A toast which had brought a tear to the eyes of nearly every
member at the table - Bobby even swearing he saw tears in JRs eyes. Sue Ellen had rewarded his beautiful speech with a kiss,
whispering in his ear that she loved him. It was a wonderful evening and the family could not quite believe that after everything
they had been through, that JR and Sue Ellen were here today. But it was a happy disbelief all round.
Sue Ellen had
noticed a mutual attraction between Bobby and Sarah and, sipping fruit filled, alcohol free punch after dinner, she quizzed
her friend.
"You do realise ah hem" Sue Ellen began, "that in order to pursue and indeed marry a Ewing, there is a
very competitive training school that you must attend first"
Sarah laughed. "Well, youve done it....3 times!! So it
must be worth it".
Sue Ellen looked at JR and smiled "Oh yes"
"So" Sarah went on "What do you do if you just
want to sleep with one?"
Sue Ellen choked on her drink and laughed "Thats a WHOLE lesson in itself!!"
The sun
did not set over the islands until well into the evening. This gave John Ross and Christopher plenty of time to romp on the
beach. The water was calm and Sue Ellen watched them from a safe distance. She was feeling "happily tired", due to the baby
and the journey. She loved the sound of the waves lapping against the shore and decided to sit and watch the children and
This time tomorrow she would be Mrs JR Ewing again. Sue Ellen watched John Ross and thought back over her life.
What a rollercoaster it had been. Meeting and falling in love with JR, having a child, divorce, remarriage, happy times, sad
times and really down right bad times. Divorce again, marriage to another man, but never really losing the love she felt for
JR. The elation and fear she had felt realising he was in London looking for her. JR was like a magnet. This time, due to
a combination of knowing how much she herself had changed and knowing that JR really did mean everything he said this time,
she just knew that this time was forever. For once in her life, she could breathe easy.
JR finished having a beer with
Bobby then wanted to go and spend some time with his bride to be. At first he couldnt find her, then, as he heard the sound
of childrens laughter coming from the beach, he looked out the window and there she was.
Sitting with her legs crossed,
her bare feet in the sand and her gaze reaching across the horizon, there she was. The woman he had loved all his life. He
never wanted to be parted from her again.
JR walked over to where she was sitting and sat down behind her, wrapping
his own legs around her and pulling her to him.
She smiled and put her head back on to his shoulder. He kissed her
on the cheek, whispering in her ear "Having second thoughts?". She looked at him, and realized he was only joking, given the
huge smile on his face.
She leaned in and kissed him. "You aint getting away now Ewing" she smiled.
"Can you
believe this?" JR asked.
"No" she laughed.
"I love you" he said. She went to speak but he put his finger to
her lips. "Thank you for giving me another chance."
Sue Ellen touched his face. "I cant help it...youre just too damn
JR smiled and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you. Youre all I want" Sue Ellen said.
kissed. Watching from the villa, Miss Ellie raised a glass of champagne to the sky and said "Look after them Jock", and smiled.
true traditional style, JR and Sue Ellen had chosen to spend their last night as an unmarried couple apart. They had made
a joke out of it saying that after nearly 3 marriages to each other, a child and now a pregnancy that maybe it was a bit unnecessary
but they had wanted to do it anyway.
JR woke early and opened the balcony doors. It was going to be a beautiful day.
Even if there was a thunderstorm he wouldnt care. His life was perfect now. He couldnt wait for Sue Ellen to wake up so that
he could marry her and start their new life together.
Elsewhere on the island a small plane had landed carrying some
more visitors. Amongst them was someone else who wanted to be part of the wedding....
A hour or so later, there was
a knock on Sue Ellens door. She was already awake and had just finished showering. It was Sarah.
"Good morning!!" Sarah
said in her breezy British way.
Sue Ellen smiled. "I am so excited!!" she said "I feel like Ive never done this before
and Ive done it 4 times - well this will be the 3rd with JR!!" She couldnt stop giggling, like the realisation of their crazy
and wonderful life had just dawned on her.
Sarah hugged her. "This will be the only time that counts" she instructed.
Ellen took her dress out of the wardrobe. It was a beautiful, straight gown with a parting up one of the legs, ivory in colour
with a band in the centre. Her shoulders would be bare. Her shoes were almost Cinderella- like, with crystal stones running
around the side of the toe and a pointed shell
"Its so beautiful" Sarah said. Sue Ellen took Sarahs dress out of the
wardrobe - it was similar to Sue Ellens in shape and design, but with royal blue tones going through it - JRs favourite colour.
Ellen went to change into her underwear and there was another knock at the door. Sarah opened it. It was Miss Ellie.
morning Mrs Farlow" Sarah said.
"Hello Sarah" Miss Ellie smiled "And its Ellie"
Sue Ellen appeared in the doorway
with her hair down and brushed and ready to be styled. Sarah was ready for action.
"Sue Ellen" Miss Ellie said hugging
her. "I just wanted to give you something". She handed Sue Ellen a box. "I know you have something new...and that John Ross
gave you something borrowed..."
"He leant me his embroidered hankerchief" Sue Ellen laughed.
The women smiled.
Id like to give you something old" Miss Ellie said.
Sue Ellen opened it. Inside the box was a folded letter, which
Sue Ellen took out curiously. She sat on the side of the bed as she opened it.
It was a letter dated March 19, 1967.
As Sue Ellen read the words, her eyes filled with tears. Sarah looked at Miss Ellie in wonder, and Miss Ellie winked.
does it say?" Sarah asked.
Sue Ellen cleared her throat. "Ive met her Momma. The most beautiful girl Ive ever seen
and I know that she will be with me forever, whether she agrees to marry me or not".
Sarah didnt quite understand so
Miss Ellie explained. "The letter is from JR. He served as a judge in the Miss Texas Beauty contest where Sue Ellen won. He
wrote me this letter from Dallas when I was with Jock in South America. Hes talking about Sue Ellen".
Sarah raised
her hand to her heart and gasped. "Thats amazing."
"This letter is nearly 20 years old," Sue Ellen said. "Ill treasure
it Miss Ellie, thank you", she said and the two women embraced.
"Well I will let you get ready and I will see you later"
Miss Ellie smiled.
Just as Sue Ellen was about to sit down, there was another knock at the door.
"Goodness me"
Sue Ellen said.
Sarah opened it. There was no one there. She looked from
end to end, then by chance, looked at her feet.
When she came back into the room she was holding a single yellow rose.
assume this is for you" she smiled and handed it to her friend.
Sue Ellen smiled and opened the card which was attached
to it. She laughed as she read it.
"What does it say?" Sarah asked.
"Hurry up!" she laughed.
"How on
earth did he get a yellow rose in the Seychelles?" Sarah quizzed.
"Ah ha" Sue Ellen said "That you learn at Ewing Training
At 11 am, most of the wedding party had gathered on the small stretch of beach that Sue Ellen and JR had liked
the best. Bobby straightened Christophers tie, John Ross and JR made sure that they both looked their best and Miss Ellie
chatted to the local priest.
Just as the Reverend Silas was telling Miss Ellie how wonderful he thought the whole idea
of JR and Sue Ellen writing their own vows was, Miss Ellie saw a woman walking towards them, coming from the direction of
the villa.
She couldnt quite see who it was as the woman had a large hat and her head down, but as she drew closer,
Miss Ellie noted that there was something quite familiar about her.
She lifted her head and Miss Ellie gasped.
Ellie!" said the woman and threw her arms around Miss Ellie. JR too heard the voice and felt his whole body spasm.
was Patricia Shepard.
"Before either of you say anything" Patricia began, "I received a letter from Sue Ellen some
time ago telling me that you and her had worked everything out JR and I managed to find out from Southfork where you would
"Thats Teresa fired" Bobby joked quietly.
Miss Ellie and JR looked at each other.
There was something
about Patricia that was more humble, frailer than she had been in the past.
"JR, Miss Ellie...Sue Ellen is my little
girl...I just want to see her wedding day...I just want to see her happy again. If thats ok with you...please. I would be
very grateful".
That was really all JR and Miss Ellie needed to hear. JR reached his arms out to Patricia and hugged
"Youre very welcome. I know Sue Ellen will be thrilled that you are here" JR said. And he meant it.
Ellie invited Patricia to stand with her as they waited for the bride.
The island was silent except for the waves and
the sounds of the tropical birds. The palm trees made a pathway bathed in light by the glorious morning sun. JR looked at
the sky, then to John Ross who smiled with excitement, and then something that was more beautiful than anything he had even
seen caught his eye.
Standing at the top of the beach beneath the palm trees, with a huge smile on her face was Sue
Ellen. JR turned and looked at her. There was no music, no big crowd, the only thing she needed to start that walk to "the
altar" was him. As soon as his eyes met hers, she began to walk towards him. Her auburn hair blew slightly in the wind and
the diamond tiara which held it all in place sparkled in the sunshine. If it had been an appropriate time to talk her entire
family would have said that she looked happier than anyone had ever seen her.
Clayton held her hand as she walked towards
JR, Sarah stayed close behind her. Bobby smiled at JR as if to say "Wow".
When she reached him, JR shook Claytons hand.
He knew how much Sue Ellen meant to him and Clayton, this time, too was truly happy for them. Sue Ellen didnt even see Patricia
until she turned to hand her rose and lily bouquet to Sarah. Once again, tears filled her eyes as Patricia smiled at her daughter.
took JRs hand. The Reverend Silas began,
"Good morning everyone. We are here on this beautiful day to celebrate with
JR and Sue Ellen their love for each other."
The family were gathered in a semi circle around them and they held tightly
to each others hands.
"In life" the priest continued "some of us are lucky enough to be blessed with one great love.
By this, I mean a love which never disappears in spite of many obstacles that may be thrown in its path. JR and Sue Ellen
are a winning example of that one great love and it is their choice to share with you, their closest family, their own vows,
written by themselves and for each other, on this, their wedding day. JR, you have chosen to speak first".
JR held
Sue Ellens hands and she turned to face him.
"When I look back on my life throughout the last 20 years and think of
all the things that I thought were important, all the things I fought for and all the things I thought I needed, I realise
now that none of them...none of them.... meant anything. Sometimes the only thing a person really needs is sitting right there
in front of them and they dont see it. I see it now Sue Ellen. My life really began that day in 1967 when I met you. Throughout
everything you have been the one steady, dependable and loving thing I had. Throughout my life whether present or not, you
are the piece of the puzzle that completes my picture. I know now that without you in my life my picture would never be quite
complete and thats why Im saying to you today that you, Sue Ellen, are my best friend, my lover, my partner
through everything. I intend to spend the rest of my life putting all those missing pieces back together again. I love you".
wasnt a dry eye in the place. Sue Ellen took the borrowed hankerchief out of her little silk purse and dabbed her eyes.
now Sue Ellen" Reverend Silas smiled.
Sue Ellen smiled at JR and said, "I look at you today and its as though not a
single day has passed since we met. You are still the handsome man with the sparkling blue eyes that I saw smiling at me from
the audience all those years ago. When I look back over the past few years and how much our lives have changed, I realise
that no matter where I went, and no matter what I did, that there was something that just wasnt quite right. I tried many
times to deny what I thought it was, and in the end I had to face up to it. It was you. I believe that as people we can meet
someone who is our someone. You are my someone. I never in a million years thought that I would be standing here with you
today, but in my head I had dreamt it so many times. Now my dream has come true. You complete me JR. I will do everything
I can to make you happy. I have loved you since the day I met you and I will love you for the rest of my life."
couple wiped away tears from each others faces as the Reverend Silas smiled and said,
"May we have the rings please?"
Ross and Christopher had a ring each. John Ross reached his cushion up to JR with Sue Ellens ring.
"Now" said the priest,
"I feel a bit silly asking this as we all know the answer but...."
Everyone laughed.
"Do you John Ross Ewing
Junior take Sue Ellen Shepard to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
JR smiled and winked at Sue Ellen "Ive been waiting
a long time to say this....Yes, I do", he said and pushed the ring on to her finger.
"Do you Sue Ellen Shepard take
John Ross Ewing J...."
"YES" Sue Ellen said before he had even finished.
More laughter. It was a happy day.
Reverend was a jolly fellow who fully appreciated this couples love and excitement for each other and for their wedding.
I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may..."
But JR already had his new bride in his arms and they were enjoying
a loving kiss.
"Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you Mr and Mrs JR Ewing".
Everyone clapped. Sue Ellen threw her
arms around her new husband and hugged him.
"Alright!" John Ross smiled. JR picked him up and he kissed both his parents.
a few minutes Sue Ellen went to her mother and greeted her.
"Thank you for coming Momma. I hope this means you are
back to stay" she said.
They embraced "Darling I wouldnt have missed this for the world" Patricia said.
on Mrs Ewing!" JR said to Sue Ellen happily.
The newly weds led their small group to the villa for a party where they
enjoyed food and drink well into the early evening. JR and Sue Ellen led everyone in a dance, Bobby and Sarah enjoyed each
others company and Miss Ellie enjoyed catching up with Patricia, who was delighted to hear she was going to be a grandmother
At around 7 pm, Sue Ellen noticed JR walking on to the beach. She wondered what he was doing and after a few
minutes he came back.
"What are you doing?" she smiled pulling him to her. "I want to dance"
"We will" JR said
and kissed her.
Sarah excused herself and when Sue Ellen looked at her friend,
she was holding a small overnight bag. She handed it to Sue Ellen.
"Whats this for?" Sue Ellen asked.
in the room smiled at Sue Ellen. They were all in on this - whatever it was.
JR took her hand and said "We are going
on our honeymoon"
"WHAT?" Sue Ellen smiled "I thought this was our honeymoon"
JR led her out on to the balcony
of the villa and down onto the beach. In the water nearby, a Romanesque style Gondola had pulled up. Sue Ellen gasped.
our cab" JR smiled.
Sue Ellen couldnt believe it. She kissed JR and turned to her family who were all waving, shouting
"Have a good time!" and "Have fun!"
They climbed aboard the Gondola and the man congratulated them on their wedding.
where are we going?" Sue Ellen asked.
"Oh we are going to our own private island" he smiled.
Sue Ellens mouth
fell open "Theres more of them?!" she said with surprise.
"Oh yes...and on this one...there will just be us".
Ellen closed her eyes. She pulled him to her and kissed him. "I cant believe this."
The couple enjoyed the 10 minute trip across the water to
their own exclusive part of the island. On arrival, the young man put out his hand to help Sue Ellen out and JR gave him a
huge tip. The island was beautiful. Their own beach, their own was perfect.
Sue Ellen took JRs hand "JR I
...." He kissed her.
They looked deep into each others eyes. "I know" he said.
Sue Ellen didnt want to change
out of her dress so she kept it on for most of the day. They got themselves settled and as the sun began to set, JR led her
out onto the balcony overlooking the beach and music started to play from the stereo. They moved closer together and danced.
of them spoke, they just enjoyed each others touch, each others smell. The pieces of the puzzle, the never ending puzzle,
were finally all together.
JR woke early and wrapped his arms tightly around Sue Ellen, she was still asleep, he could
hear her gentle breathing. He began to kiss her softly, hoping that she would wake up. Sue Ellen lay snug inside his embrace,
she had never felt more contented, yesterday had been perfect and now they were alone on a deserted island she felt like she
was living in a dream. She felt JRs kisses and knew what was on his mind, last night they had made a pact never to let anything
ever separate them again, they were soulmates, they belonged together, apart they were only half complete. Sue Ellen opened
her eyes and smiled at JR.
"I thought you were going to stay asleep all day" he joked
"I wasnt asleep, I just
had my eyes closed," she laughed "I was just enjoying being this close to you"
She kissed him "I love you so much"
she said "I wish we could stay this way forever"
"We can!" JR said, "I have everything I need, you, John Ross and the
baby, and Im not going to do anything to spoil it"
Sue Ellen went to speak but JR put his finger to her lips to stop
her "Later" He said and started to kiss her lips "Right now, all I want to do is make love to you, and make up for all the
time weve wasted"
As they made love, Sue Ellen felt the past disappear, the memory of all the pain she had felt during
her previous marriages to JR seemed to melt away, now she had what she wanted most, and this time she knew she could believe
JR when he said that she had been the only woman that he ever truly loved. Afterwards they stayed locked in a tight embrace,
both happy to stay where they were, Sue Ellen broke the silence.
"How long have we got on this island?" she asked
hours and then we have to get back to the family and return to a freezing cold London, as its exactly ten days until Christmas"
JR said.
"Aww," Sue Ellen said, "It wont be that cold, beside I can warm you up," she laughed
She lay quietly
and JR could hear her thinking
"Whats wrong?" he asked
"Nothing I was just thinking, we still havent got the
house ready for Christmas" she said
"Dont worry, it will be fine" He said
"Did you think twelve months ago that
we would be here?" she said
JR laughed, "I have to admit I didnt, its funny how life can change in a year, after losing
Ewing Oil the only thing I could think of, was going to London to find you and John Ross"
Sue Ellen laughed "Yes and
when I found out that you were in London, the only thing I could think of was trying to escape from you in order to keep my
"Eh, Whose son?" JR asked
"Okay, our son, but I thought that if you found us, you would try and take him
back to Dallas with you" she said
JR tenderly kissed her "When I left Dallas my only plan was to be near you and John
Ross, nothing else mattered, all of my life I wanted to be my fathers favourite son, I did anything I could to build up Ewing
Oil and make him proud of me, but it didnt do any good, I always came out second best"
Sue Ellen kissed him, she knew
how much his father meant to him and how hurt he had been by the fact that Jock preferred Bobby "Not to me JR you were and
still are my number one, noone can ever take that away from you" she said "Its just a shame that its taken you so long to
realise that the one person who gave you unconditional love was standing right by your side" She snuggled closer to him.
love you" JR said. He placed his hand on her tummy and gently rubbed it, Sue Ellen lay watching him.
"What are you
thinking?" she asked
"Just about the future, you, me, John Ross and this new life inside you, Im going to make everything
perfect" he said
"It already is JR" she replied
"We have to be careful with John Ross, I dont want him to feel
left out when the baby arrives, I never want him to feel as though hes second best" JR said
"Dont worry, it wont happen,
he knows we love him and nothing is going to change that" Sue Ellen said
"I wonder what hes up to now," JR said
wrapping both his grandmothers around his little finger I should imagine" Sue Ellen laughed
"Do you realise this is
the only time weve been apart from him since we got back together" JR said
"I know, it seems strange waking up and
not hearing him somewhere in the house" Sue Ellen said
"Oh God, I know now whats important, and it isnt Ewing Oil,
its my family, you and our children, as long as I have that nothing else matters, without you Im nothing" JR said
Ellen had tears in her eyes, finally her life was complete, she had the man of her dreams and this time it would last forever.
She kissed him and said, "Always remember that no matter what, I have and always will love you, Ive never cared about Ewing
Oil or the money I only ever wanted you, and now that I have you Im going to do everything in my power to make sure you know
how much I love you"
"I think I already know that" He said
They lay wrapped in a tight embrace, JR looked at
the clock on the bedside it was eleven oclock. "Hey, what say we get up and explore the island" he said
"Okay, but
I think we should both take a shower first" She said winking at him.
JR laughed
An hour later they stepped out
into the bright sunshine. They wandered hand in hand down onto the beach. JR looked at Sue Ellen, she looked radiant, he couldnt
recall ever seeing her look more beautiful or happy. He let go off her hand and putting his arm around her pulled her closer
to him.
The sea was a deep blue so they decided to go and paddle their feet.
"This is paradise" JR said, "I
wish we could stay like this forever"
"We can" Sue Ellen said "As long as we remember how much we love each other"
the romantic, Sue Ellen" JR laughed
"You bet, JR" she replied
They kept strolling along the beach, the waves
washing their feet. JR started laughing
"Whats so funny?" Sue Ellen asked
"Oh, I was just thinking about our
second wedding" he said
"Yes, I remember that one, and the pool fight after it" she laughed
"Well Cliff Barnes had no right to dance with you, you were
mine!" JR said
"Im really glad we didnt decide to go back to Southfork and have a big wedding this time, it was so
much more perfect here with just the family looking on" Sue Ellen said
"Youre right, this time felt more special, maybe
because what I feel now is deeper than what I felt back then, I did love you then but I didnt realise how much" JR said
Ellen kissed him.
"By the way, are you match-making?" JR asked
"What do you mean?" Sue Ellen replied
know what I mean, Sarah and Bobby!" JR laughed
"That has nothing to do with me, Sarahs quite capable of taking care
of herself," Sue Ellen laughed, "However I think shes enjoying Bobbys company"
JR sighed "Bobby hasnt had much luck
lately in that department, what with Pam leaving him and then April being killed"
"I know" Sue Ellen said "I still
cant understand Pams reasons for leaving him or Christopher for that matter"
"Poor old Christopher, first his real
mother uses him to blackmail money out of people and then his adopted mother walks out on him" JR said
Sue Ellen felt
a shiver going down her spine; she knew Kristin had blackmailed JR into believing that the child she was carrying was his
that was why she was never prosecuted for shooting him. JR felt Sue Ellens mood change slightly and held her tighter.
sorry, I didnt mean to bring that up again," he said
"Its okay, thats in the past, I accepted you and Kristin a long
time ago"
JR turned her to face him and kissed her "But she was never you, any other women I slept with never measured
up to you, noone has ever made me feel as loved as you have and that is why from this moment on the only woman I plan on sleeping
with is you" he said
"Good!" Sue Ellen replied "Actually I was watching Christopher on the beach a few days ago and
suddenly realised how much he looks like Kristin, maybe its because I know that hes her son, but I can definitely see her
in him"
"Do you think your mother will see that" JR asked
"I dont know, there are only four people who know
the truth about him and thats you, me, Bobby and Pam, even the rest of the family dont know the truth and Im just a bit worried
about what will happen if the truth ever comes out" Sue Ellen said
"And its liable to if Christopher ever decides to
search for his real mother" JR said
"Yes, and I dont want my mother hating me because I never told her about Kristins
child" Sue Ellen replied
"Lets not worry too much about that now, enjoy the fact that your mother is back in your life
and well face the problem of Kristin and Christopher when it happens, together" JR said
Sue Ellen turned and kissed
"What was that for?" he asked
"Nothing, I just love you"
JR kissed her back, holding her tightly
knowing that this time the vows he made to her were forever, he was never going to lose her again.
They went further
along the beach and sat down in the shade of a palm tree. Sue Ellen rested her head against his shoulder; he looked at her
with concern.
"Are you okay?" he asked
"Im fine, just a little tired with all the excitement and the thought
of Christmas just around the corner" she replied
"When is the baby due again?" JR asked
"Not for another seven
months" Sue Ellen said
"So how long before I can feel it moving?" JR asked
"I dont know really, another couple
of months I guess, why?" Sue Ellen replied
"I just dont want to miss anything, I mean last time...with John Ross...we
both missed out on so much" he said
Sue Ellen cuddled into him "I know, this time well get it right okay!" she smiled
kissed her "You bet!" he said
Time passed and their time on the island was over, it was now time to go back to reality
and face their future. The time they had spent alone had been magical. They both felt refreshed and both knew that this time
their marriage was going to be wonderful.
After the short boat trip back to the island, they walked hand in hand back
to the villa. John Ross saw them from the window and ran to meet them with Christopher following him. JR and Sue Ellen hugged
both boys tightly and then walked hand in hand with them up to the villa. Miss Ellie and Sarah greeted them at the door.
how was it?" said Sarah
"Oh, you know, pretty boring actually, nothing much to do!" Sue Ellen laughed
JR laughed,
"I didnt notice you complaining too much though" he said Well as our flight leaves for London in about three hours I guess
we better start getting ready"
"Is my mother still here or did she leave?" Sue Ellen asked
"Shes still here,
shes been getting to know her grandson again, in fact I think shes enjoyed playing with both boys" Miss Ellie said
what do we do, JR can we invite her to spend Christmas with us?" Sue Ellen asked
"Sure if thats what you want, one
more person wont hurt" JR said
Sue Ellen kissed him "Im going to go and find her"
Sarah turned towards John
Ross and Christopher and said "Come on boys, Ill help you pack and then we can head for home"
The two boys race towards
the stairs with Sarah following not far behind, leaving Miss Ellie and JR alone in the hallway.
"JR, you both look
so happy, please dont spoil it this time" Ellie said
"Momma, I promise you, Im planning on taking care of her and our
children, shes the one person who has always love me despite everything I put her through" JR said
"I wish you would
come back to Southfork" Ellie said
"I know, but I think we need to be on our own for a while, I dont want either Sue
Ellen or John Ross thinking that now were married that I want to go back to Dallas. Bobby was talking the other day about
reclaiming Ewing Oil, but at this point in time, Im just not interested in that. We will come back but not yet, beside you
can always visit us in London" JR said
"Ive never seen Sue Ellen look so relaxed and happy," Ellie
"We finally have everything we want, I have never felt this close to anyone. I love her and Im never going to
do anything to risk losing her again," he said
Miss Ellie kissed him "How cold is it in London at this moment" she
JR laughed "Well I guess when we left it was about six degrees centigrade, by now it could be colder"
both laughed and walked upstairs to get ready for their trip back home.
Sue Ellen knocked on the door of her mothers
"Come in" Her mother called
Sue Ellen entered the room and saw her mother packing.
"Hi momma" Patricia
Sheppard looked at her daughter and went to hug her.
"You look wonderful," She said "Although I cant believe youve
just married JR for the third time"
Sue Ellen laughed "Yes, but its third time lucky"
"Momma, its been a long
time, why did you never reply to my letters?" Sue Ellen asked
"Im really sorry, its just with Kristins death, and you
and JRs divorce, it seemed like everything I had planned for you had failed" Patricia answered
"I thought you blamed
me for her death" Sue Ellen said
"In some ways, I did, you were supposed to be her older sister and look after her"
Patricia said
"It wasnt my fault, there are things that happened after you left Dallas.....she hurt me so much" Sue
Ellen said with tears in her eyes
Patricia went and hugged her daughter "I know, and I was wrong but Im here now and
I want to be part of your life again"
"Youve missed out on so much with John Ross" Sue Ellen said
"Hes all grown
up," Patricia laughed
"Momma, what are you doing for Christmas, I mean you can come back with us if you want to" Sue
Ellen said
"Ellie said youre staying in London and not moving back to Southfork, why" Patricia asked
because we want some time on our own without Ewing Oil but also because John Ross prefers it there. Just at the moment he
thinks his parents can only be happy away from Dallas." Sue Ellen answered, "One day we will go back, part of me wants my
children brought up at Southfork, but not yet"
"I just want you to be happy," Patricia said
"I am, now are you
coming back with us or what" Sue Ellen asked
"Id love to!" her mother answered
Just then there was a knock at
the door, then JR walked in
"Excuse me, but we really have to leave shortly so would you two ladies mind getting ready,"
he said
"Okay" Sue Ellen said and gave her mother a hug "Well see you later" she then took JRs hand and walked towards
her room.
"Are the children ready?" She asked
"Sarahs taking care of them, now come here," JR answered
I thought you said we had to get ready to leave" Sue Ellen smiled
"We do, however I just wanted another moment alone
with you" He said and gently pushed her onto the bed
"JR, youre incorrigible" she laughed and kissed him
know" JR said "And you wouldnt have me any other way" he laughed
"I love you" Sue Ellen said, as they fell into a passionate
After the flight back to London and settling into the house, JR treated his family to dinner. Over dinner they
talked about their plans for Christmas. Clayton turned to JR and said
"Are you sure you want us all to stay at the
house, we could move into a hotel"
"No" JR said, "We have plenty of room and beside we both wanted the family to stay."
Sue Ellen said "We need some help getting things ready"
As the evening got later they made their way back to the house.
Everyone was tired from traveling so each made their way to bed; JR and Sue Ellen decided to make themselves a drink and snuggled
up together on the sofa for a while.
"Are you okay?" he asked, "Its been a tiring couple of days"
"Im fine JR,
Im so proud of you," She said
"Why?" JR asked
"Because youve changed so much these past few months, your attitude
towards the family, youre even making an effort with Clayton and you dont even mind that my mother has joined us for Christmas"
she answered
JR kissed her "I know how much you wanted your mother here and as for Clayton, well I guess hes part of
the family since hes married to my mother and I know he means a lot to you." JR said
Sue Ellen held JR tighter and
he kissed her on the forehead, at last he felt like he belonged somewhere. "I was talking to Bobby the other day" he said,
"He wants us to go back to Dallas, he wants my help to reclaim Ewing Oil"
"What did you tell him?" Sue Ellen asked
told him I wasnt interested, Ive got more important things to worry about now" JR said "Bobby reminded me that its our fathers
company and belongs to the Ewings"
"I guess hes right there" Sue Ellen said
"Yes but look at all the pain its
cost, the Barnes/Ewing feud, now it just seems pointless, one day maybe I will reclaim it for John Ross or perhaps when hes
older we can set up a new company together, but its not what I want now, even if we did go back" He said
"And what
do you want" Sue Ellen asked
JR was silent for a moment "Just to have you love me forever like you love me now" he
Sue Ellen smiled "That shouldnt be too difficult"
"I dont want anything to come between us ever again,"
He said
Sue Ellen kissed him, "Im tired JR, lets go to bed" she said
"I thought youd never ask" He laughed
week leading up to Christmas passed quickly; the house was decorated and all the presents wrapped and placed under the tree.
Sue Ellen felt that this year was going to be so special she had everything she wanted.
Christmas Eve was cold and
sunny, JR and Clayton took the two boys to the park while Sue Ellen, her mother and Miss Ellie stayed inside the house talking.
Bobby and Sarah had decided to go and see a movie together.
"Its good to see Clayton and JR being at least civil to
each other," Ellie said
"Actually, I think JR finally wants him to be part of the family" Sue Ellen replied
Ellen, I cant believe the change Ive seen in him this past week" Ellie said
"Well, just maybe losing Ewing Oil was
the best thing that happened to him, he realized what was important" Sue Ellen said
"I wish you two would consider
coming back to Dallas" Patricia said
"We will momma, but not yet" Sue Ellen said "I miss Southfork, but JR and I need
time to ourselves, to be a real family"
"Sue Ellen, why dont we go to a church service tonight, it is Christmas Eve"
Patricia said
Sue Ellen looked at Miss Ellie and smiled "Im not sure JR would like that very much, but John Ross and
I went last year and I think it would be good to go as a family" she said
"Okay" Ellie said "Im sure you can persuade
"Lets go for a walk to the park" Sue Ellen said
The three women walked to the area of the park where JR
and Clayton were having a game of football with John Ross and Christopher. JR waved to them and walked over.
winning?" Sue Ellen said
"Who do you think?" JR replied, "John Ross and Christopher are younger and fitter than us"
he laughed
"Daddy, we were going to let you win" John Ross said "But we decided not to"
"By the way JR, weve
decided were going to church tonight" Sue Ellen said
"Leaving me alone, Christmas Eve are you?" JR said
way, youre coming too" Sue Ellen laughed
"Good grief, the church is liable to fall down if I walk into it" JR said
laughed. JR knew he couldnt refuse Sue Ellen anything.
"I like going to church Christmas Eve" John Ross said "I get
to stay up real late"
The family wrapped up warm against the chill of the night, as they walked to church. Christopher
and John Ross were in front laughing and joking. As they got to the church JR held Sue Ellen tighter, she looked at him and
Inside the church it was warm and beautifully lit by candlelight. The family squeezed into one pew, JR took
hold of his wifes hand and squeezed it tightly.
"I cant believe Im doing this" He whispered,
Sue Ellen smiled
"I know" she said
The service was lovely and left everyone feeling happy and ready for the next day. At 12.30am the
service ended and they made their way back to the house.
"Can we open our presents now?" John Ross asked
young man, you cannot, its time for bed" JR said "But Im not tired" John Ross complained
"Bedtime" Sue Ellen said "Beside
you dont want to stay down here on your own do you?"
After some coaxing both boys decided that maybe it was in their
best interest to go to bed. As it was so late everyone else decided to do the same.
JR and Sue Ellen entered their
room; JR took her in his arms and kissed her.
"I cant believe you made me go to church" he laughed
"It wasnt
that bad" She smiled
JR held her tightly, "I cant refuse you anything" he said
"I know" she smiled "Time for
bed JR"
They lay wrapped in a tight embrace, kissing each other "This is going to be the best Christmas ever" JR said
course" Sue Ellen said "Everything is perfect, I love you so much"
"I love you more" JR said "and I cant wait for this
baby to be born" He gently rubbed her tummy.
Sue Ellen laughed, their kisses became more passionate, and before long
they began to make love, both of them blissfully happy. JR thought about the past, remembering the pain he had cause this
woman and thankful that she had been able to forgive him. She was the one constant thing in his life, the only person who
had truly loved him for himself. He now knew what true happiness was, to have Sue Ellen and John Ross love him. They made
his life complete.
JR woke up early the next morning; Sue Ellen lay sleeping in his arms. He looked lovingly at her.
She was so beautiful, he had been so foolish but now she was his for eternity. JR heard noises from downstairs and guessed
that the boys were awake. Sue Ellen opened her eyes and smiled at JR. She kissed him tenderly. "Morning" she said
yourself, guess what the kids are up" he laughed
"That figures" Sue Ellen smiled
"Hey, do you want one of your
Christmas presents now?" he asked
"I thought we were going to open them together as a family" She said
"We are,
but there are some things that are best kept private" He laughed as he reached under the bed for the parcel.
Sue Ellen
was curious as she began opening the parcel, and laughed when she saw the underwear JR had brought.
"Exactly who is
this for" She laughed
JR winked at her "Well I wont say that I wont enjoy watching you wear it!"
"I bet you
wont!" Sue Ellen laughed and kissed him.
JR realized he was enjoying himself too much "I love you" He said "but I guess
we better get up"
"I guess so" Sue Ellen replied "Just think this time next year well also have a baby to look after"
looking forward to that" JR said "From this moment on, our life is going to be wonderful. Nothing but love, you me and our
children forever"
"I feel so safe with you right now" Sue Ellen said
"Thats the way its going to stay" JR said
entire family enjoyed this Christmas. For once they were one big happy family. There were no thoughts about Ewing Oil or the
past. Everyone was happy with their Christmas presents and happy to see that at last JR and Sue Ellen had realized their love
for each other. A love, which would last for eternity and could never be broken.
The following evening, JR was asleep
in bed when he felt a sharp prod in his side. He turned around to see Sue Ellen watching him.
"Whats wrong?" he asked
"Cant you sleep"
"No" she answered, "Im hungry!"
JR looked at the clock "Sue Ellen its three oclock in the morning!"
she replied, "Babies cant tell the time and just at this moment the baby is telling me its hungry"
JR laughed, "I suppose
you want me to go downstairs and get you something to eat"
"Youre a fast learner, Ewing" Sue Ellen said
JR looked
at her and kissed her "Okay, what do you want"
"Chocolate cake" she answered "with cream"
JR laughed and got
out of bed. "Never had this much trouble when you were pregnant with John Ross!"
"You complaining!" Sue Ellen asked
looked at her and reached down and kissed her "No, I told you I want to be there for you every step of the way, even if it
means getting up at three oclock in the morning!" he said "Ill be right back."
Sue Ellen lay back in bed and smiled
to herself. She thought back to her pregnancy with John Ross, there were so many things that she did wrong during that time
but this time her and JR were so close that she knew things would be okay. She thought about Southfork and realized that sooner
or later both her and John Ross would have to face their fears regarding Dallas because she knew deep down inside of herself
that she wanted to go home. She loved having the family with her in London, but knew in a couple of weeks time they would
be going back home. She had also been reunited with her mother, this Christmas had been perfect and she didnt want it to end.
She finally had everything that she ever wanted.
JR saw that the light was on in the living room and he heard
the TV softly playing. Who was up at this time, he wandered into the room to find out. He found Christopher curled up on the
sofa watching television.
"Hey buddy, what are you doing up, its really late" He asked
Christopher jumped "I
couldnt sleep so I came down here" he answered
JR went and sat down beside him "John Rosss snoring getting to you is
it? He asked
"No, I just have bad dreams sometimes" Christopher answered, "I was thinking about momma"
about her?" JR said
"Just about her leaving, she didnt really love me because
if she did she wouldnt have left me," Christopher said
JR looked at him and saw tears in his eyes "Christopher, whats
bothering you?" he asked
"I dont know, its just sometimes I feel I dont belong, Im adopted Im not really part of this
family" he said
"Christopher of course you are!" JR said "Everyone loves you, hey look Ive got a very important job
to do right now"
"What?" Christopher asked
"Ive got to get some chocolate cake to your aunt" JR replied
its too late for food!" Christopher laughed
"Try telling her that, why dont you come and join us" JR said, taking hold
of the childs hand he led him into the kitchen.
After getting the cake they made their way back upstairs and to Sue
"JR what kept you?" Sue Ellen asked and then she saw Christopher. "Christopher what are you doing up?" she asked
had a bad dream" JR said "So I told him he could come and join us for a while"
Sue Ellen stretched out her arms and
Christopher climbed onto the bed, and cuddled into her. JR put the cake on the bed and took out three spoons. Sue Ellen laughed
and JR said
"You dont think we were going to let you eat this all by yourself!" he said
After finishing the
cake JR and Sue Ellen looked at Christopher.
"Well, Christopher are you tired yet?" Sue Ellen asked
"No" He
Sue Ellen held him tighter and kissed his head "Whats wrong?" she asked
"I just want my mom" Christopher
Sue Ellen looked at JR. There was nothing either of them could say to Christopher, Pam was gone and was never
coming back.
"I know sweetie, but you have your dad, grandma and Clayton" Sue Ellen said
"What did I do wrong
that momma left me" Christopher asked
Sue Ellen held him tighter. Where was this coming from?
"Christopher, you did nothing wrong, your mother
was ill and she didn’t want either your dad or you to see her like that" Sue Ellen answered
"But my real mom
didn’t want me, so there must be something wrong with me" he cried
Sue Ellen looked at JR but said nothing. She
never realized how insecure Christopher felt. She didn’t know what to say, there was nothing she could say that would
make the child feel better.
"Christopher, it’s time to get some sleep" She said
"But I’m not tired
and I don’t want to go back to bed" he cried
"It’s okay, just lay down and close your eyes," she said kissing
Sue Ellen lay back in bed and Christopher cuddled into her. She turned to look at JR and kissed him. JR lay back
down beside her and put his arm around both of them.
The following morning at breakfast Christopher was quiet and didn’t
eat very much.
"So what is everyone planning on doing today?" JR asked
"Well I was planning on taking my grandson
into town and buying him a hotdog" Patricia said
"Really grandma" John Ross said "Can Christopher come too?"
don’t see why not," Patricia answered
"Momma can we go and ride the bike in the park and build up an appetite"
John Ross asked "Christopher can used my old bike"
"Yes okay, but I want both of you to finish your breakfast" Sue
Ellen said
After breakfast Patricia volunteered to take the boys to the park.
"So what are the rest of us planning
on doing today?" JR asked
I don’t know!" Miss Ellie said "Sue Ellen, your mother seems to be enjoying herself
with the boys!"
"I know, which got me to thinking that maybe it’s time to tell her the truth about Christopher"
Sue Ellen said
Bobby looked at her in surprise and said "What brought this on!"
don’t know, perhaps because JR found him alone and down here at three o’clock in the morning, he had a nightmare
and couldn’t sleep so came down here to watch television" she answered, "He also wanted Pam and started to say that
he felt he didn’t belong here because he was adopted, Bobby he knows he’s adopted so why can’t we tell him
the truth about his parents"
"Sue Ellen, we’ve talked about this before
and you said you were worried about your mother’s reaction when she found out that you had kept this from her all these
years" JR said
"I was but seeing Christopher last night, but seeing him upset last night made me realize that he needs
to know that he does belong to this family, he isn’t my adopted nephew, he’s my sister’s son and also John
Ross’s cousin" Sue Ellen said
"Sue Ellen, we never treated him any different" Miss Ellie said "I’m not
saying you did, but he’s got it into his head that Pam left him because she didn’t really love him as he was adopted"
Sue Ellen said "it can’t do any harm by explaining the truth to him"
"Okay" Bobby said "If that’s what
you want, but Christopher stays with us I don’t want her getting ideas that she can take him away"
not going to happen" Sue Ellen said
"Sue Ellen, let Clayton and I take the boys out to lunch and you can talk to your
mother alone, I think she needs to know the truth before Christopher hears it" Ellie said
JR walked over to her and
put his hands on her shoulders "This is going to open up old wounds, are you really sure this is what you want" he said
but what happens when Christopher is older and tries to find his real family, how is he going to feel when he realizes that
his real family were near him all the time but noone told him" Sue Ellen said "Beside if we face the truth now, we can bury
the past forever and start a new year with a clean slate"
"I’m supposed to be meeting Sarah for lunch, but I’ll
be back later and we’ll talk to the boys tonight" Bobby said
"Bobby you’re not angry with me are you?"
Sue Ellen asked
Bobby smiled "No, what you’re saying is true, Christopher learning he was adopted and then Pam
leaving him almost within a month hasn’t been easy on him, I’ll see you later"
After Bobby left, JR turned
to Sue Ellen and said
"Well do you want to speak to your mother alone or do you want me to stay with you?" he asked
promised me that we would face this together, I need you here" She answered
"Then I’m not going anywhere," he
said kissing her
"Come on, let’s all go to the park" Clayton said
They walked in silence to the park and
saw the two boys playing on the bikes. JR looked at them and said
"Hang on a minute, why is Christopher riding John
Ross’s new bike and he’s riding his old one.
Sue Ellen laughed, "Do you remember how they were always fighting
at Southfork"
"Yes" Clayton said "I seem to remember an incident with a gun as well"
"Don’t even go there!"
Ellie said
Patricia Sheppard was sat on a bench watching the boys play. The others walked up to her.
"Hi momma,
don’t tell me John Ross is tired of his new bike already?" Sue Ellen said
"No, but he’s decided that his
new bike is faster than his old bike so they’re taking it in turns to ride it" she answered
Sue Ellen watched
the children playing, Christopher seemed happier than he had earlier, she turned back to her mother. "Momma, we thought that
maybe Miss Ellie and Clayton could take the boys to lunch, and you could have lunch with JR and me," she said
"I don’t
know I was looking forward to taking them out," her mother answered. "I haven’t seen John Ross in so long, I just feel
like I’ve missed out on so much of his life"
"I know momma, but we haven’t seen each other for so long"
Sue Ellen said
"Okay" Patricia said
They stayed sitting on the bench and watched the boys play for a while longer.
getting cold out here, I think it’s time to go back indoors" Sue Ellen said
Clayton and JR walked over to the
"Come on guys, it’s time to go home" JR said
"No way!" John Ross said "Come on, Christopher let’s
escape" he laughed as he rode his bike away from his father.
"You can’t catch us!" both boys called
"John Ross, I thought you wanted to go to Macdonald" JR called
"I do!" He answered
"Then I’ll give you
until the count of ten and if you’re not back by then, there’ll be no hamburgers" JR called to his son.
and John Ross looked at each other, was JR joking or did he really mean it. They decided maybe it was best that they go back.
arriving back at the house Sue Ellen and JR went into the kitchen to make a drink. JR put his arms around her and she fell
into his embrace.
"Are you okay?" He asked
She turned to face him and kissed him "Yes, I’m fine, it’s
just thinking about Kristin...."
"We don’t have to do this" JR said
"I know, but its time, momma knew
she had another grandson," Sue Ellen said. She looked at JR and saw a look of concern in his eyes. "JR I love you more than
I’ve ever loved any man, what happened between you and Kristin was years ago, it’s in the past" she said
kissed her "I’m just scared about opening old wounds" he said
"Come on let’s go into the living room" She
said, as he picked up the tray of drinks.
After finishing their drinks JR told the boys to go and get ready for lunch.
don’t let them have more than one hamburger" JR said
"JR I brought up three sons, I think I can deal with those
two" Ellie said
JR laughed "Okay point taken"
The two boys came downstairs "Okay" John Ross said "Are we going?"
Clayton said "We were just waiting for you"
"You two, be good" Sue Ellen said
After saying goodbye, JR, Patricia
and Sue Ellen went back into the living room.
"Peace at last" JR said
"John Ross is growing up quickly," Patricia
"Yes, too quick" Sue Ellen answered
Patricia looked
at her daughter.
"Sue Ellen, what’s on your mind?" She asked
"Nothing" Sue Ellen answered "I think I’ll
go and make us some lunch" and with that she walked out of the room.
"JR, what’s wrong with her?" Patricia asked
"Is it the baby?" she asked
"I’ll just go and check on her" JR said.
He found her in the kitchen and went up to her and pulled her into a hug.
I can’t do this" She said "Momma is going to hate me for keeping this from her, I know she is"
"Sue Ellen, she’s
lost one daughter I’m sure she’s not going to want to lose you over this. You saw how lost and lonely Christopher
was last night, do this for him" JR said
Sue Ellen remained quiet, JR held her tighter and whispered in her ear "I
love you, and we’ll do this together"
"Okay" Sue Ellen said
JR helped her make lunch and then they went
back into the living room.
"Sue Ellen, what’s wrong?" Patricia asked
Sue Ellen looked at JR "We need to
talk about Kristin" Sue Ellen said
"What about her?" Patricia asked
"What do you know about how things were
when you left her in Dallas?" JR asked
"I knew that you two were not getting on so well" Patricia answered
you know why Kristin left Dallas?" JR asked
"I had no real contact with Kristin after I left Dallas, let’s face
it she always could look after herself" Patricia said "I guess that’s why I felt so guilty when she died"
Kristin was in Dallas, we had an affair" JR said "And when it finished and things turned nasty she shot me"
"She set
me up to take the blame" Sue Ellen said "And when the truth was uncovered, she blackmailed JR by telling him that she was
carrying his child and if he sent her to jail, she’d tell the whole world about them"
"At that time, I didn’t
want the scandal, so I sent Kristin away and paid for her upkeep" JR said
"What happened to the baby?" Patricia asked
"She lost it, we believed shortly after she left Dallas" Sue Ellen said However
she met Jeff Faraday and became pregnant again, so was still in the position to blackmail"
"She phoned me one night
before she came back to Dallas, to tell me she had given birth to a son" JR said
"Sue Ellen, how did you feel about
that?" Patricia asked
"Part of me felt sick, afterall this was John Ross’s half brother and cousin, but at the
end of the day she was my sister and I didn’t want her dead" Sue Ellen answered "It was at that point that I left JR
and took John Ross to the Southern Cross ranch"
"So what happened to her son" Patricia asked
Sue Ellen was silent;
her mind went to the two boys. JR continued the conversation.
"Well after she died, things went quiet for a time, I
don’t think either of us thought about the child, but then Jeff Faraday brought the baby to Bobby, demanding money for
him" JR said
"He tried to sell his own child?" Patricia said
"They both did" Sue Ellen said "To feed whatever
drug habit they had"
"Anyway Bobby brought him home one day and was going to confront me but he ran into problems with
Pam" JR said
"You see, Pam wanted a baby so badly, she thought that Bobby had
brought the baby home for her" Sue Ellen said "Bobby didn’t know what to do, so he just let her think that.
happened to Jeff Faraday" Patricia asked
"He was killed?" JR said "Which meant that both the child’s parents
were dead, so Bobby went ahead and adopted him"
"Momma you distanced yourself from me after Kristin’s death,
you didn’t return my calls or my letters and to be honest I didn’t ever think that I would see you again" Sue
Ellen said
"What happened to the child?" Patricia said
"Bobby adopted him, your grandson has been brought up
as a Ewing" Sue Ellen said
"What you mean Christopher?" Patricia said
"Yes, I did the best I could for Kristin’s
son, I let Bobby and Pam adopt him and he’s been brought up with his cousin" Sue Ellen said
"But Pam walked out
on him" Patricia said
"I know, and I’m not happy about that, but we can’t predict the future and I never
thought that would happen" Sue Ellen said "Momma don’t hate me for not telling you"
Patricia walked over to her
daughter and hugged her "I don’t hate you, I’m just sorry I haven’t been there for you"
Sue Ellen
let the tears flow, her fears were over and the past could finally be laid to rest.
"JR, Christopher is definitely
not your son?" Patricia asked
"No, to be honest it wasn’t definite that the baby she lost was mine, I wasn’t
the only man she’d been sleeping with" JR answered
"JR, promise me that this will never happen again, that you
will never hurt Sue Ellen again" Patricia said
"I promise," He said and he meant it.
"You’re not angry
that I never told you that you had another grandchild?" Sue Ellen asked
"No, Sue Ellen, you’re the only daughter
I have left, I’m not angry" Patricia said "However I’m curious as to why you’re telling me this now"
Christopher has known he’s adopted for quite sometime and last night was up late and came into our bedroom, and I realized
how alone he felt. He talked about not really belonging and how there must be something wrong with him as both Pam and his
real mother didn’t want him" Sue Ellen said "I feel it’s time to tell him the truth and let him know that his
real family are with him, but we felt we had to tell you first."
"Is there nothing that would convince you two to come
back to Dallas?" Patricia asked "You just so far away from the family"
Sue Ellen thought for a moment "If I’m
honest, yes I want to go back, but in someways going back scares me. " She answered "I’ve made a new life for myself
here and John Ross is happy at school and he loves playing football, I’m not sure we could convince him to go back"
I want to share this pregnancy with you, to be there for you, I know Ellie does too, but we can’t if you’re here"
Patricia said
Sue Ellen looked at JR. JR could read her like a book; he knew what she was thinking.
"Sue Ellen,
truthfully what do you really want?" he asked
Sue Ellen looked him in the eye and said "To go home, but this time we
do things right. JR we made vows to each other, to love each other for the rest of our lives, to do the things we never did
together, to have the children we never had and to be faithful to each other."
"Sue Ellen, we can do that in Dallas,
I made a vow, never to cheat on you again and I meant it. I love you and only you, regardless of where we live," JR said
but we have to convince John Ross that this is the right thing to do, so it may take a few months," Sue Ellen said
you’re coming home" Patricia said
"Eventually, yes" Sue Ellen said.
"Patricia, if we do decide to stay
here for a while longer, you and momma are always welcome here" JR said
That evening after dinner, the family went
and sat in the living room. John Ross and Christopher were playing upstairs, when JR called them downstairs.
"Dad we
were playing, what do you want?" John Ross asked
"We just want to talk to you" JR said
"Are we in trouble" Christopher
"No" Bobby said "We just have something to say"
The two boys sat on the floor.
Noone knew how to
start this conversation and soon the two boys started to get restless.
"Come on guys, this is boring" John Ross said
laughed "Okay, this has to do with Christopher"
"What?" Christopher asked, looking at his father.
you know you were adopted" Bobby said
"Yes that’s why momma left me" He said
"No Christopher, your mother
was ill" Bobby replied "But we want to talk to you about your real mother and family"
"Why do they want me back?" Christopher
Bobby couldn’t answer that question; he looked at Sue Ellen.
Sue Ellen was deep in thought, not
really knowing how to start this. "Christopher..I had a sister who died some years ago, before she died she had a baby" she
said "Christopher, that baby was you and after she died we needed to find the best way to look after you. So we decided to
let you be adopted by you mom and dad."
"But mom left me" Christopher said
"Yes, I know but I also know that
your mom loved you" Sue Ellen said "But what I really want you to know is that you do belong in this family, you are my nephew,
John Ross is your real cousin and we love you. I never want to see you upset like you were last night, we love you Christopher
and we always have.
Christopher walked over to her and hugged her, Sue Ellen held him tightly and kissed him.
happened to my real dad then?" He asked
"I’m afraid he’s dead too" Sue Ellen answered
Bobby walked
over to them and crouched down by his son.
"Christopher this changes nothing, I am still you dad and I love you, do
you understand that" Bobby said
"Yes" he answered
Sue Ellen looked at her mother then turned back to Christopher,
"Christopher there’s one more thing, John Ross’s grandmother is your grandmother too" she said
"Really, Patricia is my grandma too" He asked
"Yes, Christopher, she is"
Sue Ellen answered
"Can she tell me about my real mom then" Christopher asked
"One day, but not now" Sue Ellen
John Ross went over to his mother and crouched down beside her, she pulled him into a hug.
"Mom!! I’m
too old for this" He said
"No John Ross, you will always be my baby!" she laughed
"Can we go back and play for
a bit?" John Ross asked.
"Yes but behave" JR said
"We always do, daddy, we always do"
John Ross answered.
The door closed behind the two boys and after their footsteps were heard going upstairs, Miss Ellie
turned to Bobby and said
"What I don’t understand is why Jeff Faraday took the baby to you, why not Sue Ellen?"
looked at JR and then turned to his mother and said:
"Momma it’s over, it really doesn’t matter"
it’s okay" JR said "Momma, Kristin had been blackmailing me into believing it was my baby, that is why she was never
prosecuted for shooting me"
"Are you telling me that she was pregnant with your baby when she left Dallas" Miss Ellie
"She claimed to be, but then I later heard that she was also blackmailing a few others" JR said
tell me Christopher isn’t your son, JR" Miss Ellie said
"No, she miscarried shortly after leaving Dallas, Jeff
Faraday is his father" JR said
"Miss Ellie, this was years ago, it’s dead and buried. The only reason we’re
talking about it now is because I wanted Christopher to know that he had both his adopted and real family with him" Sue Ellen
Sue Ellen, how come you find it so easy to forgive JR for sleeping with your sister" Clayton asked
Ellen laughed "Because I love him, I always have and I always will"
"JR promise me this will never happen again!" Miss
Ellie said
"It wont, I love Sue Ellen and I’m planning on spending the rest of my life making her happy" he replied
room went silent for a while. JR broke the silence by saying he was going to the kitchen to make a drink. After a while Sue
Ellen followed him out. He had his back to her so she walked towards him and put her arms around him and hugged him.
look at me" She said
He turned and she saw that he had tears in his eyes; she kissed him.
"I love you!" she
said "Nothing has changed"
JR kissed her back "I love you too, but look how much I’ve hurt you, Kristin, Afton,
Mandy....." he said "I wish I could turn the clock back"
"JR, the past is behind us, after everything that has happened
to us, we’re still together" Sue Ellen said "You always forgive the ones you love, that is why I’ve always found
it easy to forgive you. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, what happened today changes nothing"
Ellen, can I be really honest with you" JR said
She looked at him, wondering what he was going to say. "What" she said
don’t want to go back to Dallas at the moment" He said
Sue Ellen breathed a sigh of relief "Is that it?" she
"Are you surprised?" he asked
"A little bit, I thought you would be bored here by now" she replied
"To be honest I’m enjoying being here alone with you and John Ross at the
moment, I just want to have another year here, maybe we could go back after next Christmas" JR said
"I don’t
mind, I mean I would like the family around when the baby is born, but I also like being here" Sue Ellen said
family can come here whenever they want" JR said
"Okay" Sue Ellen said
JR kissed her "Hey do you think we could
have a night alone without any midnight visitors?" JR asked
"Why" Sue Ellen smiled
"Because I want to show you how much I love you!" he said
I think I know that already" she replied
"I just want to make sure you know how much" He laughed
JR took the
tray of drinks back into the living room and called John Ross and Christopher back downstairs.
"Daddy, we’re
hungry, can we have something to eat?" John Ross asked
"No you can’t it too late to eat" JR said
Uncle JR, you were eating chocolate cake at three o’clock in the morning" Christopher said
Sue Ellen laughed,
"Get out of that one JR!" she said
"That was an exception, you’ve both been eating hamburgers today, so I don’t
think you need anymore food" JR said
"But dad.." John Ross said
JR went over to his son and picked him up "You’re
not having anything to eat, you’re getting too heavy for me to pick up" he said "You can have a drink and then it’s
time for bed"
"Bed!" John Ross said "Christopher, we better make this drink last us a long time"
Everyone laughed
an hour, John Ross, then it’s bedtime, whether you’ve finished that drink or not!" JR smiled
Later that
night, JR and Sue Ellen lay in bed, wrapped in a tight embrace. Sue Ellen looked at JR
"JR, what are you thinking?"
she asked
"I was just thinking about this Christmas, you, me, John Ross and the family, it’s been really good"
he said
"I know" Sue Ellen said
"I feel so close to my son, I wish I had been able to get that close to my father"
JR said
Sue Ellen kissed him "John Ross adores you, but he thinks he can wrapped you round his little finger" she said
you sure about not going back to Southfork?" Sue Ellen asked
"Yes" JR replied. "Let’s see how the next few months
go with the pregnancy, if you feel okay, let’s stay here and have the family visit whenever they want. I still want
it to be just us for a while beside I still don’t want our son to think that I only married you to get you back to Dallas"
"Momma’s not going to be happy, she wanted us to go home" Sue Ellen said
"Yes, but she can come here whenever she wants for as long as she
wants, hell I’ll even buy her the ticket" JR said
Sue Ellen pulled away from JR’s embrace and turned over
to her bedside cabinet. "What are you doing?" JR said
"Looking for something" she answered "Miss Ellie and I were talking
about baby pictures, when I phoned her before Christmas and she promised that she would bring some of you"
"Oh great!"
JR said
"No, listen" she said taking out a photo album "look at this"
She showed him two photographs both of
himself and John Ross at the same age.
"JR, they’re almost
identical, now do you see what I mean when I said that I knew he was your son from the moment I saw him, Miss Ellie or Jock
never doubted it either" Sue Ellen said
"They didn’t exactly know that it was possible that I wasn’t
the father" JR said
"I know, but can you see how much he looks like you" Sue Ellen asked
"Yes" JR said and kissed
her "So is our next child going to be a daughter, who’s as beautiful as her mother" JR said
"Hmm, I thought you
wanted another son!" Sue Ellen said
"No, but twins would be nice!" JR said
"And you’re not against getting
up in the middle of the night helping to feed and change them?" Sue Ellen said
"No" JR said "I told you, I’m
planning on being there every step on the way with you"
"Even in the delivery room!" Sue Ellen said
JR laughed
"Of course, now come here!" he said
JR pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately. He finally felt
loved and wanted. His life was perfect, at last he had realized the depth of Sue Ellen’s love for him, he would never
let her go again. "Sue Ellen" JR said
"What!" she replied
"I love you, this time the two of us are forever,
promise me you will never stop loving me!" he said
"I promise" she said and they slowly began to make love. Both of
them realizing that this time there marriage was for keeps and nothing could ever separate them again. Their future was secure;
they only needed each other and their children.
The Christmas holidays went quickly and New Year’s Eve crept
up on the family very quickly. Sue Ellen woke early and lay watching JR sleep. She realized that all her dreams had finally
come true. At last she had the one man she had always loved and this time she knew he would remain faithful to her. She snuggled
into him and he stirred and opened his eyes.
"Mornin’" he said sleepily "What time is it?
She looked at the clock "8 o’clock" she said
He kissed her and said "What are you doing awake so early?"
was bored!" she said "and hungry"
He laughed, "Sue Ellen, you’re always hungry lately"
"Hungry for you"
she laughed "I love you!"
"Watch it," He said "I’m a happily married man!"
"And you better never forget
that!" Sue Ellen answered
JR kissed her and held her tightly, now his life was complete. He couldn’t imagine
being with anyone but Sue Ellen and he knew he would never do anything to hurt her again.
"What are we going to do
today?" she asked
"I don’t know, I booked a table at a restaurant for the whole family tonight" JR said
thought I could go shopping with Momma and Miss Ellie this morning and meet up with Sarah" Sue Ellen said
"I guess
I could take the boys out with Clayton and Bobby, we could visit places like the Tower of London" JR said
Sue Ellen
smiled "Just make sure you don’t get locked up in there!" she said
"Haha, very funny" JR said
He looked
at her and kissed her "You’re amazing" he said
"Why?" she asked
"You’re ability to forgive me for
all the pain I caused you in the past" JR said
"JR, that’s where all the pain is, in the past" Sue Ellen said
"A new year and a new start, the future looks good, let’s not look back anymore JR, it’s time to move on together"
wont get any arguments from me" JR said, he placed his hand on her tummy "What are you doing?" She asked
"Just checking
to see if our baby is making any movements yet" JR said
"Oh don’t worry JR, I’ll let you know when it starts
kicking me" Sue Ellen answered
"The family are going to be going
home soon, so it will be back to just the three of us" JR said
"I know, I have to say that I’m going to miss
them" Sue Ellen said
"We will go back, but not yet" JR said "I want my family all to myself for a bit longer"
lay cuddled up to each other, both remaining quiet, content just being together. Sue Ellen heard a noise coming from downstairs
and laughed.
"I thought things were too quiet, the boys are up!" she said
to no good, I guess" JR replied
"Time to get up!" Sue Ellen said
After a morning shopping Sue Ellen, Miss Ellie
and Patricia met up with Sarah in a café.
"Sue Ellen you look tired" Sarah said
"Actually I feel fine, it’s
just been a busy couple of weeks" she answered
"I still wish you would consider coming home" Patricia said
looked at her friend "Are you thinking of leaving London?" she asked
Sue Ellen was quiet for a moment then said "No,
not at the present moment, JR wants to stay here and I have to admit I like being here too"
"So you’re not planning
on leaving me alone here just yet then" Sarah said
"No" Sue Ellen laughed, "Actually I thought it was the other way
around, you and Bobby seem to be getting close"
"Yes but he’s going home soon" she replied
"And he hasn’t
asked you to go back to Southfork with him?" Sue Ellen asked
"No" Sarah said
"I guess I’m going to have
to talk to that brother-in-law of mine then" Sue Ellen laughed
"Christopher is going to miss John Ross, they’ve
played so well together these holidays" Miss Ellie said
"I know, but school is out in May and you can bring him over
here and they can enjoy all summer together" Sue Ellen said "I presume you do want to come back before the baby is born"
course" Miss Ellie said, "I still can’t believe the change in JR, the way he’s accepted losing Ewing Oil"
Ellen smiled "Ewing Oil wasn’t as important as he thought it was. His whole life was spent trying to be Jock’s
favorite son, building up Ewing Oil to try and impress him, but in the end Bobby was the favorite"
"Jock brought JR
up to take over Ewing Oil. I let go of him too soon, from the age of five his life was Ewing Oil" Miss Ellie said
wasn’t your fault, Miss Ellie" Sue Ellen said "But I know JR wants to do things differently with his son, I actually
think he’d prefer this baby to be a girl, just so John Ross doesn’t feel threatened"
"Do you think JR will
reclaim Ewing Oil, if he does come back to Dallas" Patricia asked
Sue Ellen thought for a moment, she didn’t
really know what JR wanted to do regarding Ewing Oil "Maybe" She said "But then again he may decide to start a new company
with his son, but only when John Ross is older. He realized that Ewing Oil isn’t important to either John Ross or me,
we just want him"
"You’ve come so far in the past six months" Miss Ellie said "I never thought that after everything
that happened between you that I would ever see you two married again"
"JR’s a magnet to me, he always has been.
I’ve never felt for anyone what I feel for him. When we were together I used to crave the times that he was vulnerable
because I knew he would turn to me, I wanted to be there for him all the time" Sue Ellen said "When I married him the second
time I felt apprehensive, wondering how long it would last, but this time feels completely different. I don’t know if
it’s because of the baby or if it’s because I know both of us have changed so much...but I know that this time
is forever"
"True love conquers everything!" Sarah said
Sue Ellen laughed "Sometimes it feels crazy, but I honestly
love him with all of my heart and now I’m sure that he loves me and doesn’t need any other woman" she said
"But I still wish you would come home" Patricia said "We’ve spent so much
time apart, that now that I’ve got you back in my life I want to spend time with you"
"I know momma, but you
can come over here anytime you want, JR will even buy your ticket" Sue Ellen replied
"He said that!" Patricia said
Sue Ellen laughed "He knows I’m apprehensive about the birth of the baby especially after what happened with John Ross
and he knows I want the family close to me"
Meanwhile JR, Clayton and Bobby were touring London and took the
boys to the Tower of London. The two boys complained about being hungry so Bobby went with them to find something to eat.
JR noticed how quiet Clayton was.
"Clayton, what’s wrong?" He asked
"Nothing" Clayton answered, "Oh I
don’t know I’m just concerned about Sue Ellen"
"But Clayton, we’ve talked about this, I thought you
were okay with Sue Ellen and I getting married again"
"I am, it’s just after the other night..." Clayton began
don’t think I can remain faithful to her" JR said
"Something like that" Clayton said "And we’ll be so far
away from you"
JR was silent for a while, he knew how fond Clayton was of Sue Ellen and he also knew Sue Ellen thought
of him as a father. He wanted Clayton’s approval; he couldn’t believe what he was feeling.
"Clayton I know
we haven’t seen eye to eye in the past, and I admit I was wrong about you. I know how much you love my momma and I also
know that you’re the closet thing Sue Ellen has to a father and the closet thing that those two boys have to a grandfather.
I love Sue Ellen and I’m going to dedicate the rest of my life to making up for the past. She’s my reason for
living, when things fell apart in Dallas the only person I wanted was her, so I came over here to her knowing that she could
reject me but she didn’t. I want you to trust me and give me a chance, I’m not going to hurt her ever" JR said
saw a look of sincerity in JR’s eyes "Okay JR, I believe you, but really how could you sleep with your own sister-in-law"
Clayton said.
"I don’t know, but it’s in the past" JR said "Sue Ellen and I have agreed to put the past
behind us and look forward to the future, it’s New Years Eve and a new beginning for both of us"
"So are you
staying here indefinitely?" Clayton asked
"For the moment, Yes" JR said "However Sue Ellen wants to go back to Southfork,
maybe this time next year we’re consider going back to Dallas, but I want some time on my own with my family"
you come back, are you going to reclaim Ewing Oil" Clayton asked
"Bobby’s already asked me that, and I’ve
said no" JR replied
"So you’re not bothered about losing your daddy’s company?" Clayton said
gained more than I lost" JR said "All my life has been spent building up Ewing Oil and trying to make my father proud of me
and I ignored the two people who loved me for myself"
"Promise me you’ll look after her" Clayton said
promise" JR said "Sue Ellen and John Ross are the most important things in my life, and I’m not going to do anything
to risk losing them again"
A few minutes later Bobby returned with the two boys, both were happy eating a bar of chocolate.
Ross, you had better eat your lunch or else I’ll be in trouble with you mother" JR said
"Don’t worry dad"
John Ross said "We’re meeting momma in MacDonald and I’ve always got room for a cheeseburger"
"Yes, well make the most of it, as this is the last time at least until Easter"
JR laughed
They continued walking around the Tower of London. JR watched John Ross, and remembered John Ross’s
reaction when he first saw him in London. John Ross had been angry and hurt because he had felt that James was more important
to JR then him. JR knew he had been careless but now things were so different. These past few months had been so good, being
able to spend time with the boy, taking him to football, helping him with his homework and just enjoying his company. He thought
back to his own childhood and the times he wished that he could have been his father’s son and not his business partner.
He made a promise to himself that he would always make sure that John Ross knew how much he loved him.
An hour later
they began to walk towards Macdonald to meet up with the rest of the family. On spotting Sue Ellen at one of the tables John
Ross rushed over to her and kissed her. "Momma, daddy says I’m not allowed anymore hamburgers after today until Easter"
he said to her
"Quite right too, so make the most of today" she laughed "Where is
your daddy?"
"Oh, they’re coming, I just ran on ahead" he answered
After JR, Christopher, Bobby and Clayton
arrived, they all sat down and decided what to eat.
"So how was the Tower of London" Sarah asked
"Okay!" JR
"I see they let you out" Sue Ellen laughed
"Yeah, I was on my best behavior" JR said
"What are we
doing after lunch?" Christopher asked
"Haven’t thought about that yet!" Bobby said
"Can we go and ride
the bikes in the park?" John Ross asked "Christopher wants another go on my new bike before he goes home"
see" JR said
After lunch JR told the family he had some shopping of his own that he wanted to do, and that he would
meet them back at the house. As he started to walk away from them Sue Ellen called him.
"JR, what are you up to?" she
"Nothing" JR said "I’ll meet you back at the house"
He continued on his way, Sue Ellen watched him
disappear into the crowd. She knew he was up to something. After realizing that she could no longer see him, she returned
to the rest of the family and they started making their way back to the house.
JR knew what he wanted to buy. He wanted
the perfect gift for Sue Ellen, something that would seal their love forever. After looking in several of the Jewellers windows
he decided to go and take a look inside one of them. One thing caught his eye, a gold heart shaped locket, which he asked
the assistant if he could take a closer look at it. The locket was big enough to hold a tiny picture and it came with a key.
After buying the locket he thought about his next plan of action. In his pocket he had two pictures, one of himself and Sue
Ellen and the other of John Ross. He wanted to get the pictures reduced so that they would fit into the locket.
A couple
of hours later, JR had finished his shopping and headed home to his family. He saw that Clayton, Miss Ellie and Patricia were
watching the boys in the park, but couldn’t see Sue Ellen. He walked up to the house and opened the door. Everything
seemed quiet and still, so he went into the living room and found Sue Ellen curled up on the sofa asleep. He went to her,
knelt down beside her and kissed her on the cheek. She stirred and opened her eyes.
"What time is it?" she asked
"Just after half past three" he replied
"Where have you been?" she asked
told you, shopping" he said
"JR, you hate shopping" she said "I’m going to make us a drink"
JR said and disappeared into the kitchen. Sue Ellen lay back down; she felt exhausted, although she had enjoyed the holidays,
all the excitement had taken a lot out of her. She felt like she could sleep for a week. JR returned with two cups of coffee,
and placed them on the table.
"Push up" he said, "I want to sit down"
Sue Ellen moved so that JR could snuggle
up close to her. She rested her head on his shoulder.
"Are you sure you want to go out tonight?" JR asked
it’s New Year’s Eve, of course I want to go out" Sue Ellen answered
"You look tired" JR said
fine" Sue Ellen replied
"Are you sure?" JR asked
"No" Sue Ellen said
JR looked at her with concern "What’s
bothering you" he said
"I’m scared" she said "I feel so tired and I’m just worried about the baby"
is about the family going back home isn’t it" JR said
"In a way, I wish Momma and Miss Ellie could stay here,
I’m not as young as I was when I had John Ross and I’m just scared that I could lose this baby" Sue Ellen replied
took her in his arms and held her tightly "Don’t even think about things like that, there’s no reason why anything
should happen beside I’m here to look after you" he said
"I’ve just been feeling so tired lately" Sue Ellen
said "I keep thinking it’s an omen, a sign that something might be wrong"
JR kissed her "It’s been an exhausting
few weeks, what with the wedding and Christmas but things should settle down and get back to normal soon" he said
Ellen sighed "I guess my hormones are all over the place now, but I really don’t want to lose this baby"
JR held her tighter and kissed her "You wont and I’ll be there beside you every step
of the way. I know with John Ross you felt alone and I’m really sorry about that but this time I’m going to be
here for you" he said
"I love you JR" Sue Ellen said
"I love you too, forever" he
"So are you going to tell me what you brought while you were out shopping?" she asked
"JR laughed "No,
you’ll have to wait and see!"
They lay wrapped in a tight embrace on the sofa, both enjoying the peace of having
the house to themselves. JR thought back to Sue Ellen’s previous pregnancy with John Ross and realized how alone she
must have felt. Rejected by both him and Cliff Barnes, no wonder why she rejected John Ross after his birth. He thought back
to her drinking and knew that it had been his fault, when they were together she had no need for alcohol, however when he
started cheating on her again she reached for the bottle for comfort. He wished he understood why he’d done the things
he’d done. He had the most beautiful, loyal wife in the world, and yet he’d turned his back on her and constantly
cheated on her. This time things were going to be different, he loved his family with all his heart and knew that he would
do anything to protect both of them. He wanted Sue Ellen to feel safe and to know how much he loved her.
"Sue Ellen,
we could always ask your mother to stay here if you really want" JR said
"We could, but is that going to upset Miss
Ellie" Sue Ellen said
"I’m sure she’ll understand"
JR said
"No, you’re right, we need time as a family together, just you, me and John Ross" she replied
family can visit whenever they want" JR said
"I’ve got my two favorite men to look after me" Sue Ellen said "What
more could I want"
"Exactly" JR laughed "I was thinking, do you remember when we first met??" he said
is this" Sue Ellen laughed "Nostalgia, must be New Year’s Eve"
"No, I was just thinking about the long walks
we used to take around the ranch" JR said
"You brought me my first horse" Sue Ellen smiled
"Yes and we used
to spend hours up in the tree house, just being together, sometimes in silence, sometimes talking" JR said
"I remember"
Sue Ellen said "And how my mother kept hoping that I would change my mind about you"
"I wasn’t rich enough for
her was I" JR said
"No" Sue Ellen replied "She never understood that I wanted you and couldn’t
care less about the money"
"I was thinking, maybe I should build John Ross a treehouse" JR said
"Why?" Sue Ellen
said "So he can take all his girlfriends up there"
"Daddy built that treehouse for Bobby" JR said "I would have given up everything
if he had built it for me, I just want John Ross to know that I love him more than anything in this world and nothing is going
to change that"
"JR, you don’t need to build him a treehouse for that" Sue Ellen said "All he wants is for you
to spend time with him, which is what you’ve been doing for the past six months. I know you’re concerned that
he’s going to feel left out when the baby arrives but we’ll make sure he doesn’t.
"I don’t
want him to feel the way I did when Bobby was born" JR said
Sue Ellen looked at him "I don’t think either Jock
or Miss Ellie knew how you felt"
"I guess not" JR said, "You’re the only one I’ve ever talked to about
Sue Ellen held JR tighter "It doesn’t really matter anymore, it’s all water under the bridge. We
learn by the mistakes of the past and move on"
"I don’t want to make the same mistakes my parents made" JR said
"I want to be a good father and love all my children the same"
"You are a good father JR" Sue Ellen said "I know you
would do anything for your son, and John Ross knows that too"
"It’s just taken me so long to find out what’s
important and what’s not, but finally I know" he said
"Do you know how often I’ve wished for this to happen"
Sue Ellen asked "To have you love me and me alone, now I have everything I ever wanted"
JR kissed her "You are everything
to me, these past six months has been the happiest time of my life. I can’t imagine being with anyone but you." He said
remember that JR, there’s noone in this world who can love you more than me" she said
"I know that now, we’ve
just wasted so much time" JR said "Just think we could have had six kids by now"
Sue Ellen laughed.
"I always
did want a big family" JR said
"JR that’s a side of you that noone saw, the family man, you kept it well hidden,"
she said
"I remember the first time I held John Ross" JR said
"I know, I was there" Sue Ellen said "The family
was going out when we heard the results, you told me to wait in the car because you had forgotten something, but I didn’t,
I knew where you were going so I crept upstairs after you"
"I just felt the need to hold him in my arms" JR said "He
was my son and nothing could take him away from me"
"You’ll never know how much I wanted to walk into that room
and hold both of you" Sue Ellen said "But I knew I couldn’t because you finding out that you were John Ross’s
father hadn’t changed things between us"
JR looked at her, he knew she was right. He thought back to that time
and how things had been between them. There were other people in their lives, for him it has been Kristin and she had been
in love with Dusty.
"JR, even during the bad times, there’s was always a part of me that loved you" she said
laughed "Why are we talking about the past?" He asked "I thought we had agreed to put it behind us"
"We have" Sue Ellen
answered "But sometimes to move forward into the future, it’s good to look at the past and reconcile it"
"So you forgive me for every horrible thing I ever did to you?" JR
"You know I do, which is why I remarried you, why I’m having your baby" she said
JR kissed her "I
love you so much, I’m going to do everything in my power to make you happy"
"Let’s go to the park and collect
our son" she said "It’ll be getting dark soon"
They walked hand in hand to the park. Clayton, Miss Ellie and
Patricia were sitting on the park bench so they walked up to them.
"Do those boys ever get fed up with riding those
bikes" JR said "I guess the answer to that question is no" Clayton laughed
"John Ross, Christopher!" JR called
two boys turned and rode towards JR. "Daddy where have you been?" John Ross asked
"Sitting inside a warm house with
your mother" he replied "It’s time to go home now guys, you’re grandparents must be cold, it’s freezing
out here"
"Can we ride the bikes back to the house?" Christopher asked
"Yes" Sue Ellen said "But only as far
as the gate, I don’t want either of you crossing the road"
"Mom, we’re not babies anymore" John Ross said
laughed as they hurried back to the house and out of the cold. Inside the house JR made everyone a hot drink, and they sat
in the front of the warm fire trying to get warm.
"So John Ross, what are you going to do next week when Christopher’s
goes home" JR asked
"Well" John Ross said "He’s coming back at Easter
with grandma"
"Oh, is he" JR replied
"Yes" John Ross said "And Christopher and
I have decided that we no longer want to call Clayton, Clayton"
"Really" JR said "And what do you want to call him
"Grandpa" the two boys replied
JR was slightly shocked, but then thought he shouldn’t of been surprised
as Clayton was the only grandfather they had ever known. Clayton looked towards JR and then turned to the boys and said
I’m not your grandfather!"
"Sure you are Clayton!" JR replied "Well the only grandfather they’ll ever know,
you’re married to their grandmother"
"JR, you don’t mind" Clayton asked
JR looked at Sue Ellen,
they had spent the afternoon talking about the past and how by reconciling the past they could look forward to their future.
He thought about Jock and his pain at not being Jock’s favorite son. It was New Year’s Eve and time to move on.
JR said "You’re the only grandfather they have"
"Does that mean you’ve finally accepted me as part of this
family" Clayton asked
"Yes" JR said
Later that evening the family enjoyed a meal at the Ritz Hotel, with dancing
afterwards. During the meal everyone was friendly and happy, enjoying each other’s company. Time went by quickly and
as the clock neared midnight JR turned to Sue Ellen and whispered in her ear.
"Come outside with me"
Sue Ellen
looked at him "Why" she asked "It’s nearly midnight"
"I just want five minutes alone with you, don’t worry we’ll
be back by midnight" he said
They excused themselves from the table and went
out into the cold air.
"JR, it’s freezing out here" Sue Ellen said
JR put his
arm around her and they continued to walk. Suddenly JR stopped and turned to face her.
"You wanted to know what I went
shopping for" JR said
"Yes but you wouldn’t tell me" Sue Ellen said
JR reached in his pocket for the box with the locket in and handed it to her
"Open it!" he said
She opened
the box and stared at the locket "It’s beautiful JR" she said and kissed him
"Now open the locket" he said
did as she was told and saw the two pictures inside, one of her and JR and the other of John Ross. JR then took the key out
of his pocket and reached for the locket.
"What are you doing?" she asked
"I’m locking it" he said "I’m going to keep the key,
so that I have the key to your heart forever. When the new baby is born we can then take a picture of our children and put
it in to replace the one of John Ross. That way our family will forever be safe in here"
"JR, you’ve always had
the key to my heart" she said "I love this side of you, the romantic side who puts his family before everything"
go back inside, it’s almost midnight" JR said
They walked arm in arm back to the hotel, before entering Sue Ellen
looked at JR and said
"JR I just wanted to say thank you for what you did today" she said
"What do you mean?"
JR asked
"Finally acknowledging Clayton as part of the Ewing Family and not making a scene about the boys wanting to
call him ‘grandpa’" she said
"Well, we were talking about fresh starts and I just got to thinking that
he’s the only grandfather those boys know. John Ross was so young when daddy died he doesn’t remember him. At
the end of the day there couldn’t be a better substitute for a grandfather than Clayton. Also I know what he means to
you" JR said
"I love you" Sue Ellen said
"I love you too!" JR replied, he looked at his watch "Come on! It’s
time to get back to the family, it’s two minutes to twelve"
They hurried back inside where the others were waiting
for them.
"Where have you been?" John Ross asked
The countdown for the New Year began, and as the bells rang
out Midnight throughout London, everyone wished each other Happy New Year. JR pulled Sue Ellen close to him and whispered.
want the first dance of the new year with you" and pulled her towards the dance floor, the music continued
I see, how our brave new world arrives and I see how it thrives in the ashes of our lives.
JR held Sue Ellen closer
and said "This is a new start, finally I have everything I want"
Oh yes, man is a fool and he thinks he’ll be
okay, Dragging on, feet of clay, but never knowing he’s astray.
Sue Ellen held JR tighter enjoying his touch,
his warmth, and his smell "JR, the past is well and truly behind us, all I want, all I need is you"
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! May we have a vision now and then of a world where every neighbour is a friend.
JR, just promise me
that from now on you will be always be faithful to me, that you will never allow anyone to come between us" Sue Ellen said
promise, with all of my heart, you and our children are the most important things in my life, from this moment on I dedicate
my life to you" JR said
Happy New Year! Happy New Year, may we have our hopes, our will to try. If we don’t we
might as well lie down and die, you and I.
The couple moved closer together, the pain of their previous marriages crumbling
as the New Year began; all that was left was hope for the future. A future that JR vowed would be perfect and nothing would
ever destroy their relationship. The family watched them dance, although all the couple was aware of was each other. Finally
John Ross and Christopher walked over to them.
"Momma, daddy" John Ross said
The couple stopped dancing and
looked at the two boys. They crouched on the floor and hugged and kissed both children. Then as the music died they took the
boys’ hand and walked off the dance floor.
"We were beginning to think you would never come off that dance floor"
Clayton joked
"Yeah, well we were enjoying ourselves," JR said, he then looked at the two boys "I think we should head
for home or else we’ll have two very grumpy boys in the morning" he said
"But daddy, I’m not tired!" John
Ross protested, "Neither is Christopher!"
Everyone laughed, "John Ross, Christopher can make up his own mind" Sue Ellen
said "But your daddy’s right it’s home time"
On arriving home, the boys complained at being told to go
to bed
"Can’t we have a drink?" John Ross asked
"No" Sue Ellen said, "It’s really late, beside everyone
else is going to bed.
"But we’re not tired!" Christopher said
"Christopher, it’s bedtime," Bobby
said and realizing that they could not win this argument, they reluctantly headed to their bedroom.
The rest of the
family went into the living room.
"Guess we should think about going to bed too" JR said
Miss Ellie looked at the clock "Yes, it’s one o’clock in the morning"
said goodnight and made their way to their rooms. JR and Sue Ellen peeked into John Ross’s room.
"Hey guys, we know you’re not asleep!" JR said
The two
boys sat up in bed "But we can’t sleep" they both said
JR and Sue Ellen went and sat on the edge of John Ross’s
bed, Christopher went and join them, cuddling up to Sue Ellen.
"Will you ever come back to Southfork?" Christopher
"One day, sweetheart, but not yet" Sue Ellen replied
"Why, don’t you like the rest of the family?"
Christopher asked
JR laughed, "It’s not that, we just like it over here at the moment beside you can always come
and visit us"
"Hey you two, it really is time to go to
sleep, I don’t want to have two grumpy boys in the morning" Sue Ellen said, kissing both boys.
She then walked
towards the door and turned off the light, JR followed her.
"Night!" Christopher and John Ross said
Sue Ellen
and JR then entered their room.
"I swear there’s a conspiracy against us staying here" JR laughed
makes you say that!" Sue Ellen asked
"Now Christopher is asking when we’re going back to Dallas" he replied
Ellen smiled "Hmm, you’re probably right, everyone wants to know when we’re going home"
JR took Sue Ellen
in his arms and kissed her, "I don’t care where I am, just as long as I’m with you," he said
"Next Christmas
will be at Southfork" Sue Ellen said
"Okay" JR said "But we’re staying here until then"
JR looked at Sue
Ellen, she looked exhausted. He walked up to her and took her in his arms.
"Hey, you need to get some rest, you look
really tired" JR said
Sue Ellen kissed him "I am" she said
After getting into bed JR wrapped his arms around
her and she cuddled up to him.
"I love you," she said
I love you too" JR said and turned off the
light. Before long both of them were asleep.
The following morning JR woke up late, he looked at Sue Ellen who was
still fast asleep in his arms. He lay still listening to her gentle breathing for a moment, and then trying not to wake her
he got up.
On arriving downstairs he found the two boys watching a video in the living room while eating their breakfast.
see you two got your own breakfast today" He said
"Well" John Ross said, "We couldn’t wait all day for you to
get up"
"Don’t have that television on too loud as you momma’s still asleep" JR said and wandered into
the kitchen.
JR made himself some breakfast and sat down at the table when Miss Ellie walked in.
"JR, what are
you doing all alone" she asked
"The boys are watching television and Sue Ellen’s still asleep" JR answered
she okay?" Miss Ellie asked
"Yes" JR said, "she’s just really tired"
"Look after her JR" Ellie said, taking
a seat next to him.
"Momma, trust me, from now on it’s just her and our children" he said
"I’m going
to make some breakfast" she said
"Where’s Clayton" JR asked
"He’s still asleep too" she laughed
sat in silence eating their breakfast when Miss Ellie said "Thanks for what you did with Clayton yesterday"
"I didn’t
do anything," JR said
"Yes you did, JR, you didn’t make a fuss about the boys calling Clayton ‘grandpa’"
Ellie said
"He’s the closet thing they’re ever going to have as a grandfather" JR said "Beside it’s
time to move forward and stop looking back"
She went over and kissed JR "I love you" she said
JR laughed
so funny?" Ellie asked
"Nothing, it’s just you’ve never said that to me before" JR said
Miss Ellie
was silent for a while "I know" she said "But just because I never said it didn’t mean that I didn’t love you,
I just didn’t like you very much"
"Neither did daddy" JR said "You had Gary and he had Bobby"
sorry JR, we just never realized how things had affected you, Gary always needed me more that you or Bobby and I guess as
Bobby was the youngest your father spoilt him" Ellie said
"None of it really matters anymore" JR said "I’ve got
my own family back and this time nothing is going to separate us"
"I’m so proud of you JR" Ellie said "You’ve changed so
much, maybe losing Ewing Oil was the best thing that could have happened to you. I know you love Sue Ellen and will do whatever
you can to make her happy"
"Of course!" JR said "I know she’s anxious about this pregnancy, but I’m going
to be there every step of the way for her"
"Good" Miss Ellie said
After the rest of the family had come downstairs
and finished eating JR looked at the clock, time had flown by and it was 11.30am, there was still no sign of Sue Ellen. JR
decided to make her a cup of coffee and took it up to her. He looked at her; she was still asleep and looked so peaceful.
Instead of waking her, he put the cup down on the bedside cabinet and quietly went back downstairs.
"Is Sue Ellen still
asleep?" Clayton asked him on his return
"Yes" JR said "She’s exhausted and I didn’t want to wake her up"
don’t we take the boys out and leave you two alone" Clayton said "I’m sure we can find somewhere open to have
some lunch later"
"You sure you don’t mind?" JR asked
"No of course not" Clayton said
Clayton went
into the living room and told the boys to get ready to go out. Twenty minutes later the house was empty. JR went into the
living room and put the television on. He closed the door so he wouldn’t disturb Sue Ellen. He missed having her close
to him even though she was only upstairs. An hour later he got up to make himself some lunch.
By this time Sue Ellen
was awake, she looked at her watch and couldn’t believe that it was 1.00pm; she had been asleep for ages. She looked
at the drink JR had left on the cabinet but it was stone cold. Everything was silent and she wondered if she was alone in
the house. After having a shower she walked downstairs. JR was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich, he had his back to
her. She crept up to him and placed her arms around him.
"JR, why you didn’t wake me?" she said
JR turned
around "Ah, at last sleeping beauty’s decided to wake up." He laughed, "How are you feeling"
Sue Ellen kissed
him "I feel really good, I needed that sleep" she replied "By the way where is everybody."
"Well, Bobby’s out
with Sarah and our mothers and Clayton have taken the boys out" he said
"So that means we’ve got the house to
ourselves" she said
JR put his arms around her and hugged her tightly "Yes!" he said "Are you hungry?"
Sue Ellen
laughed "That’s a stupid question really" she said
"Okay, why don’t you go and sit down and let me finish
making us something to eat" he said
"That’s sounds okay with me" she replied "I love this new side of you"
Ellen wandered into the living room and sat down on the sofa, JR followed her five minutes later.
He put the plate
of food down on the table and sat next to her. JR looked at her as she snuggled up to him. "I think that sleep did you good,
you look much better than you did last night" he said
"I feel
great" Sue Ellen answered "But I have to admit I didn’t like waking up alone"
"You weren’t alone, I’ve
been here all the time" JR said
They started to eat the sandwiches JR had prepared.
"I can’t
believe the holidays have come to an end, the family will be going back on Sunday then it will be back to work for us" Sue
Ellen said
"Yes, but you’re not going to overdo things" JR said "I’m keeping a close eye on you"
Ellen laughed, "I’m not ill, I’m just pregnant!"
"I know that" JR said "I just don’t want anything
to go wrong, I need to look after you"
"My hero" Sue Ellen laughed and kissed him
"I just couldn’t bear
it if anything went wrong and I lost you" JR said
"Hey, nothing’s going to happen, in just under seven months
time we will have a beautiful healthy baby" Sue Ellen said
"I can’t wait" JR said
"Are you okay with work?"
Sue Ellen asked
"What do you mean?" JR replied
"Oh come on JR, you’re an oilman, what you’re doing
now isn’t exactly what you’re used to" Sue Ellen said
"Well, I was thinking about that a few months back
and wondering about setting up an oil company over here, but now I’ve had second thoughts about that" JR said
Sue Ellen asked
"Because it would involve a lot of my time, which would mean time away from you and John Ross and I
don’t want that. Just at the moment I’d sooner carry on with what I’m doing, beside it’s hardly worth
setting up a company here, if you’ve set your heart on going home in a year’s time" JR said
"But I don’t
want you to hate me in the future because I’ve stopped you doing what you want" Sue Ellen said
JR pulled her
closer to him and kissed her "I could never hate you and this is my decision not yours. I spent my entire life involved with
Ewing Oil, missing out on so much of my son’s life. He’s growing up really fast and I’ve just got to know
him. If I start to build a new company I’m going to miss out on helping him with his homework, watching him play football
and just spending time with him, not to mention the fact that I would be spending time away from you. You and John Ross are
my priority now and doing the job that I’m doing now means that I can be with you all the time" JR said
about when we go back to Southfork" Sue Ellen asked
"Well, I don’t know, maybe I could work on the land for a
while" JR said
Sue Ellen laughed, "JR, you’ve never shown any interest in Southfork, it was always Bobby and
Ray who loved to work on the land"
"I know that" JR said "But I’m willing to give it a try, if it means I can
watch my children grow up"
"I really want to go back to Southfork" Sue Ellen said "At first I wasn’t confident
that our relationship would work if we went back, I guess I was scared that you might go back to your old ways. However these
past few months I’ve seen a different side to you and I know you’ll never hurt me again"
"Sue Ellen, an
Oil Company may make me rich, but it isn’t going to love me and what use are other women, when I’ve got the best
waiting at home for me. You’re the only woman I want, no other woman could compete with you. I love you" JR said
love you too" Sue Ellen replied
"This time our marriage is based on love, our love for each other and our children,
that’s all I want" JR said "And when they’re older maybe I will think about going into the oil business and try
and build up a Legacy for our children but if I do I want you beside me, as my business partner, working together to build
a future"
"JR, we’ve had this conversation and I know
nothing about the oil business" Sue Ellen said
"Yes, but I’ll teach you" JR said "Sue Ellen I’ve told you
before, you’re my partner, my best friend, my lover and the mother of my children. I want you with me every step I take"
want more than one more child" Sue Ellen said "We’ve been really lucky with this pregnancy, I mean it was ages before
I got pregnant with John Ross, but this time things happened so quickly. I want at least two more children"
"I thought
you were worried about the pregnancy" JR said
"I was but I think I was also tired, but talking today has made me
realize that I want more than two children."
JR kissed her "I want to be the best father ever! I never saw John Ross
take his first steps or say his first words I was always too busy. But I intend to make up for those times with John Ross,
I know we put that child through hell at times but from this moment on he’s going to know how important he is to me
and with the new baby I’m going to enjoy the experience of hearing it’s first word and watching it walk" he said
Ellen laughed "Not to mention, the late night feeds and teething problems."
"Yes, but we’ll do it together whether
we’re living here or at Southfork" JR said
"You’ll never know how glad I am that you came back into my
life" Sue Ellen said
"I’m just so happy you gave me another chance" JR said
Sue Ellen lay back on the
sofa and pulled JR towards her. "I love you so much I’m never going to let you go again" she said. JR kissed her.
their kisses became more passionate, Sue Ellen broke away, looked at JR and said "How long before the others get back home"
for a while" he said "Why"
Sue Ellen pulled him even closer to her "Because I want you all to myself" she said
I thought you said you were tired?" he said
"I was, but just at this moment I want to show you how much I love you"
she said
"We could go upstairs" JR said
Sue Ellen laughed, "No I’m happy down here" she said "JR, are
you scared of getting caught in the act!"
"No, but just think at any point both of mothers and our son could walk in!"
JR laughed
Sue Ellen kissed him, just at this moment the only thing she wanted was JR. JR looked at her, she was driving
him crazy he knew he couldn’t resist her. They moved from the sofa onto the floor in front of the blazing fire. Before
either of them thought anymore about it, their passion took over and they began to make love. Sue Ellen felt relaxed, finally
she had what she wanted, she was totally in love with this man. Afterwards they lay quietly, holding each other tightly.
I told you we’d be okay down here," Sue Ellen said
"I never knew you were so adventurous," JR laughed
now you know," she laughed
"I can’t believe we just did that especially knowing that the family could come back
any minute" JR said
"I know, but I wanted to be close to you and every time we make love I can feel the bond between
us growing stronger. I love you JR," she said
JR held her tighter and thought how he wanted his life to always be like
this. Sue Ellen was right they had become so close lately that they knew what the other was thinking. Sue Ellen began to kiss
him again; JR closed his eyes enjoying her touch. JR opened his eyes and looked at her.
"This just get better and better"
he said "I love you"
"Are you still scared at getting caught?" she asked, with a smirk on her face.
"Sue Ellen
you cannot be serious!" JR said
"I haven’t finished with you yet!" she said "JR make love to me again"
since you asked so nicely," JR laughed, "However if anyone walks in, I’ll tell
them it was your idea!"
"You’re just too irresistible" she said
Slowly they
began to make love again, JR couldn’t believe what was happening. He loved being this close to Sue Ellen.
"I love you" Sue Ellen said
"I think I’ve worked that one out!" JR
laughed "Now I know what I’ve been missing all these years, why weren’t our first two marriages like this"
Ellen laughed "Because you were always too busy with your next conquest"
JR was silent for a moment "Not anymore, you
truly are the only woman I want" he said
Sue Ellen kissed him and laughed "Come on, the others will be home soon and
we haven’t even thought about dinner"
She started to get up from the floor and taking JR’s hand tried to
pull him up, but he was stronger than her and pulled her back into his arms. He kissed her.
Sue Ellen laughed "JR,
"Why" he asked
Sue Ellen couldn’t answer him "You’re incorrigible" she said "And you’re
the one who doesn’t want to get caught"
"But you love me" he replied
"Forever" she said "Now get up!"
think we could both do with a shower, before we think about making dinner" JR said
Sue Ellen laughed, "Okay, but we’ll
have to be quick"
JR got up from the floor and put his arm around Sue Ellen and after picking up their clothes from
the floor they walked upstairs. After having a shower they went back downstairs to the kitchen.
"So, what are we having
for dinner?" JR asked
"I’ve no idea" Sue Ellen laughed "Guess it’s a case of whatever I can find in the
"We could always make a chicken casserole" JR said "There’s still some chicken left in the fridge and
there’s plenty of vegetables" JR said
"Sounds like a plan to me" Sue Ellen smiled
After preparing the meal and putting it in the oven, JR turned to Sue Ellen
and said "I bet I know where the two boys are!"
"Where?" Sue Ellen said
"In the park, I think it’s time
we rescued their grandparents" JR said "Beside it’s getting dark"
"Okay" Sue Ellen said "You go and see if they’re
"I won’t be long!" he said
Five minutes after he left Bobby walked in.
"Hey Bobby" Sue Ellen
said "Where’s Sarah, I thought she was coming for dinner"
"She is, she’s just gone home to change" Bobby
"Are you okay?" she asked
"Sure" he said "This Christmas has definitely been different"
going on with you and Sarah" Sue Ellen asked
"Nothing, we’re just enjoying each others company" he replied
nothing else" Sue Ellen said
"Sue Ellen, I’m going home in a few days, beside me and relationships don’t
exactly work" Bobby said
"Why do you say that?" Sue Ellen asked "Do you know how many times I wished JR had been more
like you"
"Yes but look how I’ve made a mess of things, Pam, Jenna, April.." Bobby said
"April wasn’t
your fault and as for Pam, I still don’t understand her reasons for leaving you" Sue Ellen said "But why not take a
chance on Sarah, she could be good for you"
"We’ll see" Bobby replied, "I can’t believe you and JR"
Sue Ellen laughed, "Neither can I"
"Do you think he knew where he
was going when he left Dallas?" Bobby asked
"Yes" Sue Ellen said
"Why didn’t he tell me?" Bobby said
I think he was afraid that you would warn me" Sue Ellen said "And that I would take John Ross and disappear"
you?" Bobby asked
"When I realized he was here, the thought did cross my mind. I knew he would take John Ross back
with him but now I’m so glad I didn’t" Sue Ellen said
"But he’s put you through so much, all the
lies, the come you find it so easy to forgive him" Bobby asked
"Because he’s the other half of
me, we’ve both had other relationships and they haven’t worked. You wouldn’t believe how much I missed him
when I came to live over here and when he lost everything in Dallas he came to me" Sue Ellen said
"I really hope it
works out this time," Bobby said
"It will, there’s no hidden agendas, we’re together because we love each
other," Sue Ellen said
Suddenly the front door opened and the rest of the family walked in. Sue Ellen looked at Christopher
and John Ross
"I guess peace is shattered," she laughed
"Momma, we’ve had a great day" John Ross said
Ellen walked over and hugged both boys "I’ve missed you, it’s been so quiet around here without you" she said
but you had daddy to keep you company!" John Ross replied
Sue Ellen caught JR’s eye and smiled "Yes you’re
daddy’s been taking really good care of me, he even helped to make dinner" she said
"When is dinner" John Ross
and Christopher asked
"You guys cannot be hungry!" Clayton said "Not with all you’ve eaten today"
I see" Sue Ellen said "And what have you been eating?"
"Hamburgers" they said
"Oh, not hamburgers again" JR
"Well dinner will be in an hour, why don’t you go upstairs and get changed" she said
Both boys ran
upstairs. Miss Ellie and Clayton also decided to change so followed the boys upstairs while the others went into the living
"Sue Ellen how are you feeling now?" Patricia asked
"I’m fine momma, I just needed to rest" Sue
Ellen said
"Patricia are you going home on Sunday?" JR asked
"Yes" she replied, "Why do you ask?"
I just wondered if you wanted to stay a bit longer. It’s been ages since you’ve seen both Sue Ellen and John Ross
that I thought you might like some more time with them" JR said
"I would, but you two need some time to yourselves
and I don’t want to get in the way," Patricia said
"You’re not in the way, momma" Sue Ellen said
I’m going to go home on Sunday with the others, but I’ll be back" Patricia said
"Promise" Sue Ellen said
"I don’t want to lose contact again"
Patricia went to Sue Ellen and hugged her "I love you and I promise I’ll
be back"
"I want all my family around me when this baby is born" Sue Ellen said
"We will be" Patricia said "But
I know that JR is going to take care of you"
"I know" Sue Ellen said
"I’m going to check on dinner" JR
said and walked out of the room into the kitchen.
"Sue Ellen, this time I know you’ll be happy, JR loves you
and I’m so happy you’ll back together" Patricia said
"We’re looking forward to the future" Sue Ellen
said "I know JR is going to be the best husband and father."
JR came back into the room and put his arm around Sue
Ellen "Dinner will be ready as soon as Sarah turns up"
"Good" Patricia said "I think I’ll go up and change too"
and Sue Ellen went and sat back down on the sofa "Sue Ellen" JR said
"What?" she asked
"Just remember that we’re
no longer alone" he laughed
Sue Ellen gently hit him, and then snuggling up to him she kissed him. JR held her tightly
in his arms. He loved having her this close to him. Their silence was interrupted by the sound of John Ross and Christopher
nosily coming down the stairs. The two boys walked into the living room to find them cuddled up on the sofa.
John Ross said, "You’ve been kissing again"
Sue Ellen and JR laughed and pulled both boys onto the sofa. "One
day you’ll change your mind about kissing" JR said
"No way!" John Ross said, "It’s gross"
remind you of this conversation in ten years time" JR laughed
"So what did you do today?" Sue Ellen asked
we played in the park, walked around London, went up in the London Eye, had lunch at Macdonald’s and then went back
to the park" John Ross said
"So you’ve had fun and tired out your grandparents" JR laughed
"Yes" they
Sue Ellen looked at Christopher. He looked so much like Kristin but surprisingly that didn’t upset her.
She loved him and wanted him to be happy.
"Are you okay, Christopher" she asked
"Yes, but I wish you were coming
home with us" he replied
"I know, but you’ll be coming back to London to see us" She said
"At Easter and
in the summer holidays" Christopher said
The doorbell rang and Sarah walked in.
"Hi" she said
"You’re just in time for dinner" Sue Ellen said
you need any help?" She asked
"No everything is ready" Sue Ellen said
After dinner Sue Ellen and JR cleared
away the dishes while the others went into the living room. They then made coffee for everyone.
"So tomorrow is your
last full day in London" JR said
"Yes, it’s been a great Christmas" Clayton said
"Definitely colder than
Texas" JR laughed
"Well you did warn us about the weather" Miss Ellie said
"I wanted it to snow" Christopher
Everyone laughed "No Christopher, we can do without the snow!" JR said
Sunday came quicker than the family
hoped for. JR and Sue Ellen went to the airport to say goodbye to the family as they left for Dallas.
"JR, look after
them" Clayton said
JR shook Clayton’s hand and said "Of course I will, and you’ll be back soon to visit"
Ellie kissed both JR and Sue Ellen "Look after each other and my grandchildren" she said, she then turned and kissed John
"See you soon, grandma," he said
Patricia hugged Sue Ellen "I promise I will keep in touch this time"
she said
"I know momma" Sue Ellen said
They then watched as the family boarded the aircraft and waited until
it was in the sky. JR looked at Sue Ellen and saw she had tears in her eyes. He put his arms around her and held her close
to him.
"They’ll be back
before you know it" He said "Beside you’ve got me and John Ross to look after you, isn’t that right son"
Continuing on Page 2