This is the fanlisting for the famous feud between the Ewings and the Barnes
on Dallas. This fanlisting is part of thefanlisting.org. The feud started when Digger Barnes and Jock Ewing went into the
oil business together. But, Digger thought that Jock took what was his. He also thought that Jock took Miss Ellie from him
too. But, from that day on he sworn to hate any Ewing and taught his children to hate Ewing as did Jock taught JR, Gary, and
Bobby to hate Barnes. But, as we all know that Bobby fell in love with Digger's daughter Pamela and they elope in New Orleans.
Jock's son JR was out to ruin any Barnes that got in his way and that include Digger's son Cliff Barnes. Cliff Barnes stood
in the way of JR and Sue Ellen actually get remarried. Sue Ellen said that if Cliff died that she couldn't married him. JR
hate Cliff because Sue Ellen had an affair with Cliff and then became pregnant. Both JR and Cliff thought that they was the
father but at the end JR was the father of John Ross. In the end though during the 13th season Cliff Barnes took over Ewing
Oil. Only because Bobby gave it to him. Rules 1) Must be a fan of this fanlisting. (Of course
you are or what the heck are you doing here then?) 2) Must include the country where you're from and must include your
email address. I will not list your email address unless you want me too. 3) A website is not required to join but if you
do have one, you will need to link it back here. You can get a code below and put it on your website. BUT NO DIRECTING LINKS!!!!!!! 4)
No pornographic, hate or anti-Dallas or about this fanlisting sites. If your website is one of these types, I will not list
your URL. 5) If you have finished reading the rules. Click on Join and join this fanlisting.

Join Page for The Ewings Vs. The Barnes
5-14-04 Added me as the first member
5-16-04 Added Marie as a member. Welcome Marie!!! 5-20-04 Added Meg as a member. Welcome Meg!!!
10-5-04 Added Ameera as a member. Welcome Ameera!!!
August 28, 2005 No new member has
been added.