This is the Official Fanlisting for the evil, people love to hate,
family loving, adulterer, oil businessman, father and husband, we all know who I'm talking....The Evil JR Ewing of Dallas!!!!!
I'm actually hosting is fanlisting, ah, has to be a dream, he is so handsome and desirable. Well, we all know the story, JR
was the oldest of his three brothers and the one that was left out of his parents love, he rival his brother Bobby for his
father love, hell, he even started working for him when he was only five, of course, with Jock evil ways, he turn JR into
a oil businessman, well, as the story went on, Bobby was always Jock's favorite, but then in 1967 he met the woman of his
dreams, Miss Sue Ellen Shepard at the Miss Texas Beauty Contest, they married in 1971, but shortly after, he started to be
the evil JR that cheated on Sue Ellen repeatly then in 1979, Sue Ellen announced that she was pregnant then sprang it on JR
that he might not be the father her famous line.."Chances are the baby's yours. I've
been just as faithful to our marriage vows as you have been, darling." But then finding out she had an affair with his enemy
Cliff Barnes, then at seven months pregnant Sue Ellen has an accident and they have to take the baby or they would lose both
of them, JR sit beside her bedside and pray she would be alright, he couldn't lose her now, he loved her, then when they return
to Southfork, neither of them knowing if John Ross was JR's son, finally the DNA test said he was but him and Sue Ellen was
on bad terms, then he finds comfort in another Shepard, Kristen Shepard, Sue Ellen's baby sister, then in 1980, the biggest
Cliffhanger in history, JR is shot and the world is speechless. Who shot old JR?!?! Well, you have everybody in Dallas as
suspects but one admits to it...well, that has to be little sister Kristen, she comes up with she pregnant with JR's child,
so that she wouldn't have to go to prison, then she left Dallas and miscarriage and then Sue Ellen leaves him, then dear old
sister-in-law Pamela take John Ross to Sue Ellen which makes JR very angry and then Sue Ellen divorce JR and then in 1981
or 1982, Jock's plane goes miss and finally they said that he was dead, JR goes into a deep depression, but good old brother
Bobby brought him through it, then in 1982, he wants Sue Ellen back, so they started to courtship again and start to fall
in love again, but something is stopping them and his name is Cliff Barnes!!!! He goes into a depression and nearly overdose
and Sue Ellen tells JR that if Cliff dies she can't remarried him...But, he does make it and Sue Ellen are finally married
again on December 2, 1982, they have a good couple of months then the old JR comes back and cheated on her with Holly Harwood,
but the thing was that Sue Ellen saw them and she goes on a drinking trip and JR pleas with her, she throws a wine bottle
at him and goes all over the staircase, later a fire breaks out at Southfork, nearly distroying Southfork. Then, Sue Ellen
said that they would be only married in name, they would have separate bedroom. Then in 1984, he meets Mandy Winger...cough
Tramp cough...and thinks he in love and tries to leave Sue Ellen but then in the end can't, he chose Sue Ellen over her...but
then few years later, their marriage ends in 1988 but then in 1989, he finds himself in some deep waters in with a young lady
and force to married her and then runs away and then she showing up on Southfork and saying she pregnant or something...I
don't really remember and really don't care!!! But, then he finds out he had a long lost son...and starts falling in love
with Vanessa Beaumont. But, then a lost lover out for revenge ruins it!!! Then, in the last season JR loses Ewing Oil to arch
enemy Cliff Barnes!!! Ughhh!!! I hate that so damn much!!! Well, there the story of old evil JR, if you are fan of JR, don't
double cross him, Join the fanlisting!!!
1) Must be a fan of JR Ewing!! 2) Must use a real name!!
3) Must include your email address and country
4) A website is not required but if you do have one just get a code below and link
it back here, and no direct links!!!!
6)Sound good!!! Go and Join!!!

7-31-04 Added me as the first member!!!!
4/12/05 No New Members