This fanlisting is for my favorite character on Dallas ever, Sue Ellen
Ewing, this fanlisting is part of TFL.org, if you don't know what a fanlisting is...it is a place for fans of a particular
show, movie, singer, actor, actress, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of fans from all around the world
who are fans of that subject. Of course, we know the story of this marvlous woman, she once was a drinking wife and mother,
than she turn into a strong independent woman, she took alot out of her marriage to the evil JR Ewing over 17 years, one child,
but his cheating away brought her down. all she wanted was his love and he did tried but we all know that JR Ewing isn't captable
of that. I love her character because she was played by an excellent actress by the name Linda Gray, which I adore alot, I
don't think anybody could have done a better job than she did, her and Larry Hagman made the duo of JR/Sue Ellen made Dallas
and of course they hate/love relationship was fun to watch, you was never bored with them, but she does divorce him twice
and moves off to London with a man name Don Lockwood, ugghhh!!! The character of Sue Ellen ended in 1989 on Dallas but she
was back in 1996 in JR's Return and in 1998 in The War of the Ewings. So if you are a fan of these character like I am, join
Join Page
08/14/04- Added me as the first member!!!!
08/25/04- Added Kelley as a member!!!! Welcome Kelley!!!!
09/04/04- Added Robin as a member!!!! Welcome Robin!!!!
10/5/04- Added Sarah and Ameera!!!! Welcome Sarah and Ameera!!!!
11/14/04- Added Ashley as a member!!!! Welcome Ashley!!!!
02/22/05- Added Tiffany, Jacinta, Rickardo, Areasha, Deana, Alice and Mike as
members. Welcome everyone!!!!
03/01/05- Added Taylor, LaShawn, and Eric as members. Welcome Everyone!!!!