This is for all of you Sue Ellen & JR lovers like I am. This is the Sue Ellen & JR's Fanlisting. As many of you
know JR was played by the famous and cute Larry Hagman, the evil oil businessman who couldn't be faithful if his life counted
on it. Sue Ellen was played by the beautiful and talented Linda Gray, who put of with JR's ways and often drank her problems
away. They are the parents of John Ross, who they both love dearly. Even thought, they aren't married anymore I have a love
for these two people because I felt that they did belong together and just couldn't make it work. They never had a good relationship
outside their marriages. After Sue Ellen and JR got divorced...JR went and married a country girl name Cally and Sue Ellen
meets a movie producer name Don Lockwood ...bore!!!. They both get divorce from these two people. JR and both Sue Ellen
leave Dallas. (Sue Ellen in 1989 & JR in 1991 after trying to kill himself) Both coming back to Dallas in the 1996
reunion movie JR's Return...after JR fakes his death to get Sue Ellen and John Ross back...he tries to make it work out with
Sue Ellen but once again...she catches him cheating on her. That blew them ever being together but still, I'm the
biggest JR and Sue Ellen fan. So, if you are too, prove it and join the fanlisting.