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Fimilar Faces

Written By: SueEllenFan4ever/Nikie
Copyright 2004 

JR, Bobby, Ray, Mitch, Clayton, and Hunter are at the site where the house is being built.

"JR, you done yourself good. I mean you have you so-be-to wife again and children back. Your oldest child is getting married in two days. You have your son back. You are expecting a child. You are getting a wonderful man for a son-in-law. What else you could asked for JR?" Clayton said.

"Really nothing, I have been very lucky these past 4 months."

"JR, I'm proud of you. I mean you brought back the whole family and you gave us an Ewing that was needed around here. Lucy and Miss Ellie has been the happiest since they meet Cassidy. They all have done wedding stuff, cooking, and Miss Ellie has been telling both of them stories about her." Clayton said. "I thought that I would never say this but JR, you have change from your old evil ways to the family man that you should have always been."

"Well, thank you Clayton, it feels good to have my whole family around and I have finally learn that what important."

"I can't wait til they get the house build. I'm glad that you, Sue Ellen, Cassidy, and Hunter decided to make one house with alot of rooms." Ray said.

"Yeah, it would have taken us awhile to build both and with Cassidy's wedding in less than two days." JR said.

"Hunter, where are you and babydoll going on ya's honeymoon?" Bobby asked.

"We are going on a two week honeymoon to Paris and then we are gonna stop by Sue Ellen's old place and see if they left anything then we coming home and everything is gonna back where it was, I hope."

"Sound like ya have everything prepared and everything." JR said.

"I just hope that it is." Hunter said. "I wish we just eloped, this wedding is hell, Cassidy was telling me last night that everything has to be perfect or she wasn't gonna marry me, have you ever heard that kind of nonsense?"

"Yeah" They all said unison.

"What?" Hunter said suprised.

"She a pure Ewing, Sue Ellen and Lucy both did that." JR said.

"They did." Hunter said.

"Hell, Cassidy never told you about mine and Sue Ellen first wedding. She was the flowergirl. You may never know that, but she was in it with us." JR said.

"No, she never did but she really don't tell me things about her past." Hunter said.

"Well, you should really ask." Bobby said.


Cassidy & Lucy are in Downtown Dallas at a small cafe.

"I think that we got everything nearly done except that we have to get the flowers and the chairs up." Lucy said taking a sup of coffee.

"Yeah, I can't believe that I'm getting married in less than two days."

"I'm so happy for you, I can't believe that you could be JR and Sue Ellen's daughter or even an Ewing. You don't act like one but you fit in so well like one."

"Thanks" Cassidy said looking at some of her notes. Lucy took another sup of her coffee and look around and saw somebody from the past that she knew that Cassidy didn't need to see.

"Cassidy, are you ready to go?" Lucy said. "I really need to get some things done." Lucy said looking back at the mystery woman.

"Are you alright?" Cassidy said noticing Lucy all the sudden getting nervous.

"Yeah, I have to make a phone call, I be right back." Lucy said talking her phone out and going inside. Cassidy was looking at some layouts of the placements of the chairs when she look up and said.

"Oh my god, LUCY!!!" Lucy came out of the cafe.

"What's wrong?" Lucy said.

"Please tell me I'm just seeing things, don't tell me that Mandy Winger sitting over there." Cassidy said.

"Ok, I won't." Lucy said.

"But it's Mandy." Cassidy said.

"Yeah, I'm wondering why she doing back in Dallas?"

"I bet I know, let's go back home. I have to go into the office afterwhile." Cassidy said grabbing her purse and walking toward her Porsche. "Who is that walking over toward her?"

"Looks like Cliff Barnes." Lucy said getting in.

"Well, if she here for what I think she is, then all hell gonna break loose. I don't like her or Cliff Barnes."

"I don't either, she was nice than turned into a really big bitch." Lucy said. Cassidy started the car and drove off in top speed. "Have you ever met Mandy?" Lucy asked.

"Oh yeah, I remember when daddy came to me and said that he fell in love with somebody else, which pissed me off more than anything, then momma fixed her and made her leave Dallas, but she's here now and I'm wondering why." Cassidy said as she continued to drive. Lucy looked at her and had "what are you gonna do look on her face?"


Sue Ellen & Miss Ellie was at Southfork, telling the people where to put things.

"Oh, there're here a day early." Sue Ellen panicing.

"Sue Ellen, calm down, the wedding is just in two days." Miss Ellie said.

"I know, but I just want her wedding just to be perfect." Sue Ellen said as she pointing where to put the flowers.

"Oh here comes Hunter and JR. Hello you two, what are ya doing here?" Miss Ellie said.

"Hello momma, what are these florists doing where a day early, when Cassidy and Lucy find out, they're gonna explode." JR said kissing Sue Ellen, who was nervous enough and JR saying that.

"You really had to say that." Sue Ellen said. "I'm nervous enough darling."

"Sorry, here let me make you better." JR said kissing her. Sue Ellen got a chill down her backbone and pulled away from him. "What's wrong." JR said.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about something, and it ain't about the wedding, it about you darling, I just don't know what, it's probably nothing, I just got a feeling." Sue Ellen said hugging JR. "I love you, I think I'll go and take a nap." Sue Ellen said uneasied. "Can you handle it from here Miss Ellie?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Sure darling, you go in and rest." Miss Ellie said looking at her.

"Hunter, will you help her upstairs?" JR asked. "I'm gonna help momma here." JR said.

"Alright, come on Sue Ellen" Hunter said walking toward the house with her.

"I wondering what came over her." Miss Ellie said looking back at the florists. "No, we want those over there." Miss Ellie said.


Cassidy is driving full force down to Southfork.

"I'm gonna tell daddy."

"What if JR wants to go back to her?" Lucy said.

"I think it was daddy that rejected her and went back to momma, I remember when he did that, he came up to me when my life was hell all the time. I was doing everything that was made to man, he told me that he loved momma and he was sorry for everything he ever did. He loves momma and I know that he ain't gonna let anything happen."

"I hope you right." Lucy said looking away.


Back at that small cafe in Dallas, Mandy and Cliff is talking.

"Now Cliff, why did you bring me back to Dallas?" Mandy said.

"Have you not heard, JR and Sue Ellen has another child and she grow up and in two days is gonna be married to Hunter Wade."

"I know they had another child, Cassidy is her name, she has something you want."

"If you have not heard, JR and Sue Ellen has got back together and she pregnant by him again." Cliff said "and yes she does have something I want, since she is the heiress to everything of Ewing Oil, she has to have some shares that she don't know about and I need to get them so I have full ownership."

"Oh really, tell me more." Mandy said taking a drink of her coffee.

"I bet ole JR knows about those shares and I want to make you a partner of Ewing Oil, sort of what you call it, oh yeah "revenge" of what he did to you."

"So you want me to used my body to get those shares because she isn't allowed to those shares til she what 25." Mandy said.

"Correct, but JR and Bobby is allowed to those shares, but JR don't want them and Bobby won't give them to me, but JR can sign over those shares and I need those shares to make sure they can't get Ewing Oil back." Cliff said.

"You want me to get JR to sign over those shares right?" Mandy said starting to get why he wanted her.

"You're smart, I want you to ruin whatever he has." Cliff said.

"So that means running off their daughter, running Sue Ellen back to London, and making his life a living hell, which you have done by taking Ewing Oil."

"I set out along time ago to ruined JR Ewing, which I partly have done but I'm gonna do more damaged than ever."

"So, how many shares does she owe?" Mandy said really not interested but listening.

"She owns about 15% which is alot. I want those shares, I'm going to Ewing Publishing today to wish them good luck and meet her."

"She just like Sue Ellen, but she is an Ewing, she gonna hate you."

"Doesn't all the Ewings hate me?"

"Can I go? I think it would make a fun afternoon." Mandy said.

"Of course."


Cassidy and Lucy are pulling up to Southfork and seeing all the men putting up the wedding stuff.

"What the hell? They ain't suppose to be here til tomorrow. Damn it." Cassidy said rushing over to Miss Ellie. "What the hell are they doing here a day early?"

"That's what Sue Ellen and me was wondering." Miss Ellie said. Cassidy walk over to one of the man.

"Why is all of this stuff here a day early?" Cassidy asked. JR came out of the house and noticed how Cassidy is acting like an Ewing with that attitude, he did like how she was like Sue Ellen and himself so much.

"She gonna rule Dallas soon with mine and Sue Ellen's attitude like that." He thought.

"Ma'ma, it said to delived the flowers on May 3, which is today." The florist said handing her a piece of paper.

"Damn it. Alright finish putting it up." Cassidy said handed it back, she saw JR and walk up to him. "Hello daddy, uh, uh, can we talk? Please."

"Sure, what's wrong?" JR said taking her to the other side, away from everybody.

"I saw, I saw, I saw.." She said nervously.

"Who was it?"

"It was...Mandy Winger and Cliff Barnes together at the cafe where me and Lucy was having breakfast." Cassidy said with so what emotion.

"Oh she was and she was talking to Cliff Barnes."

"I'm wondering why she in Dallas, are you?" Cassidy said. "Where momma?"

"Upstairs and yeah I kinda do but don't really care."

"Ok, I need to talk to her anyway."

"The feeling, that feeling she was getting." JR said to himself.

"Did you say anything?" Cassidy asked.

"No darling, it's a shock that she can be back in town."

"Now, now is daddy going back to his ole ways." Cassidy said with sarcasm.

"I will never be that man ever again darling."

"Good, what is she doing?"

"Upstairs taking a nap, do you think we should tell her?" JR said. Cassidy nodded back at him.

"I think we should, if she finds out that you or I knew, she gonna think you are going back to your old ways. Lets tell her together, I get Lucy to come along to." Cassidy said.

"Ok darling, go and get here and I meet you inside." JR said giving Cassidy a kiss on the forehead. Cassidy walk over to Lucy and Miss Ellie.

"Lucy, daddy wants us inside to talk to momma."

"He gonna tell her."

"Yes, and he wants us there with him. How you think he gonna tell momma that Mandy Winger is back in town and dining with Cliff Barnes."

"What?" Miss Ellie said shocked.

"That bitch is back in town grandma."

"Hey, I really don't want to hear that." Miss Ellie said scolded Cassidy.

"Well, she ruined my parents, my daddy was thinking about running my momma off Southfork and put her on it."

"I know darling. I hate her too, wondering why she back in Dallas after all of these years, I have to say it been nearly 4 or 5 years seen she been here." Miss Ellie said.

"If I know Cliff Barnes, he has something to do with it." Lucy said.

"We better go, talk to you later grandma." Cassidy said giving Miss Ellie a kiss. Lucy doing the same thing and they walk toward the house, Miss Ellie went back to what she was doing with the florist.


Inside of Southfork, JR is pacing the floor when Bobby and Ray come in and noticed JR nervousness.

"What's wrong JR?" Bobby asked.

"Oh, you haven't heard, Mandy is back in town and she had lunch with Cliff Barnes."

"That a problem isn't." Ray said.

"Lucy and Cassidy saw them in that cafe downtown. "We're gonna tell Sue Ellen."

"That's man of you." Bobby said. "Are you still interested in her?" Bobby asked.

"Why is everybody asking me that? Cassidy asked me that too."

"Well, the past is on her side JR." Bobby said.

"I'm not interested in her, I love Sue Ellen and I love my children and I love my family. I'm not gonna hurt them nomore."

"Thats good to hear that daddy." Cassidy said appearing with Lucy at the front door.

"Babydoll, I mean every word."

"I know you do, you don't need to worried, momma knows that you love her and if you mean everything you have said, nothing bad will happen."

"Uh daddy, we better go and tell momma. I talk to ya later." Cassidy said, her and Lucy was the first to make a move to go upstairs. They knew it was gonna be hard to tell Sue Ellen that Mandy was back in town but it was the right thing to do. They made their way upstairs and stop. "Daddy, do you want to tell her?"

"Yes darling, it better if she hears it from me. I'm making a promise here and now that nothing bad is gonna happen. I have worked to hard to lose now and I love you and if even you Lucy." JR said. Cassidy and even Lucy gave JR a hug and was wondering if this was such a great idea. Hunter came out of the guest bedroom and noticed how Lucy, Cassidy and JR was acting when they went by and wondered what was going on around here?

"Hey ya, what's up?" Hunter said.

"I tell you later darling, we're gonna talk to momma first." Cassidy said with a depressed face. Hunter was still confused. They continue to walk down to Sue Ellen room. Cassidy went in first and saw Sue Ellen freshing up in the bathroom. "Momma, how are you?" Cassidy said with a smile.

"I'm feeling great, I have my little girl here, I have my son downstairs playing, my ex-husband loves me and I'm pregnant with his baby. I can't be any happier, nothing can make me sad today, except that the florist are here a day early." Sue Ellen said, she seemed to be in a good mood. JR and Lucy walk in.

"Yeah, I know, I was mad but I guess I put the wrong date down." Cassidy said.

"Hello sweetheart, the nap make you feel better." JR said kissing Sue Ellen.

"Yes it did, hello Lucy, what's wrong?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Darling, I need to talk to you." JR said taking Sue Ellen into the bedroom and asked her to sit down.

"What's wrong?" Sue Ellen said getting really nervous. Cassidy and Lucy both was looking down toward the floor. "JR, what is it?" Cassidy knew that JR didn't know how to tell her, so she just blurred it out.

"Momma, Mandy Winger is back in town. Lucy and me was having breakfast at The Cafe this morning and we saw her with Cliff Barnes talking." Cassidy said. JR and Lucy both look at her, Cassidy was near tears.

"Sue Ellen, I really don't care if she is here because I don't love her, I love you, I love our daughter, our son, and this baby and that is the only thing that matter. I don't care if she did came back to steal me away because I wouldn't even go in a 100 feet of her." Cassidy had a tear fall from her face. Lucy noticed how emotional she was getting.

"Uh JR, Sue Ellen, I'm gonna take her downstairs and get her something to drink and I'm gonna take her to work because she been stress out all day by everything." Lucy said.

"I be down at the office afterwhile. Hey, I got an idea. Darling, you haven't seen the office yet and we just got it done. Let's make it a family day out and you come with me to the office. You know how you want to work again. I can think of the perfect job for you at Ewing Publishing."

"And what is that darling?" Sue Ellen said.

"You so good at business, that I want you to help me at advising since I'm not that good at it yet."

"Yes, I have noticed that you been giving our some bad advised about things. Alright, also I want to go to town because I want some ice cream and there isn't none here." Sue Ellen said smiling. JR kissed her.

"Momma, Daddy, me and Lucy is gonna take my car and you and momma can take yours. I see ya down there."

"Alright darling, and don't be so nervous about us. We gonna do right this time." Sue Ellen said smiling at JR who smiled back.

"Ok, bye."

"Bye Ya" Lucy said. They walk out leaving Sue Ellen and JR.

"JR, was you telling the truth? I mean, are you sure that you don't want Mandy nomore?"

"Sue Ellen, I love you more than life itself, I have work hard these four months of getting you to trust me and we build our life together and forever. I want you to know that I love you, I love our children, I love being with you. I wish I could change time Sue Ellen but I know I can't and I do regret doing everything I did, I truly do but I know I can't and I have to make up for that I lost and darling, I'm trying so hard, I'm trying to be the perfect father, I have been so happy with you here these past four months, I have loved you ever since I saw you Sue Ellen, I never loved those other woman include Mandy, you know after she left Dallas, I didn't even think of her, I thought of you. Even, when I was married to Cally, I want you, I never want her, I just wanted you but I couldn't have you and then when I heard you was separted from Don, I was the happiest man, than I was on the edge of killing myself and if Bobby wasn't here, I would probably have done it, than Cassidy came back to me, you don't know after hearing her back years ago telling me she never want to see me again, how much that hurt me, than her showing up at the doorway that day. Then, when I heard she was getting married, I was disappointed alittle because I was losing her again, then I saw you and all of those feelings came back to me and I knew I had to make it work, I love you to damn much Sue Ellen, I love our children to much, I never want to hurt them and I know I did, I hurt you, I even hurt myself. Sue Ellen, if I lost you, I wouldn't have nothing left, but a broken heart." JR said having tears in his eyes. Sue Ellen saw the love she been wanting for the longest.

"Oh JR, I know you been wonderful these past months and I'm so much in love with you it hurts, but I want to hurt that way. I love our children so much and I do remember that day Cassidy told you she never want to talk to you again, it broke my heart too because I know how much she meant to you, oh I love you." She said hugging him and kissing him, she had tears running down her face, JR took his hand and wipe them away. "Show me how much you love me. Make love to me." Sue Ellen said looking at him.

"Sue Ellen, I love you so much, I don't want to ever lose you again." He said kissing her. He pushed her down the bed. He look at her. She was the most beautiful site he had every seen. "You know what?" He asked.

"What?" Sue Ellen said smiling.

"You got to be the most beautiful right now."

"Oh JR, shut up and come here." She said playfully and grabbed him and pulled him down on her. She started unbuttoning his shirt revealing his bare chest. She kiss him, their kiss became more passionate, they started to make love. JR felt so much love and so did Sue Ellen. JR had never felt the way he did right now with her, he felt love, he felt so much love that his body felt like it was gonna exploded. Sue Ellen felt like she did years ago, she felt the love that JR had giving her when he first meet her, the night in the hayloft where they concieve Cassidy, they was just sneak out to see each other and the passion between made them go a step ahead, it felt like then. They had so much love to give each other and she didn't want it to end.


Cassidy and Lucy in Southfork Kitchen. Cassidy is sitting down while Lucy get her some water.

"Hey, you need to clam down. You have your wedding to worried about." Lucy said handing her the glass.

"Thanks, I knew this idea of them getting back together would fall apart. I'm just scared so much."

"If you don't stop worrying, you're gonna have a nervous breakdown." Lucy said. Hunter walk into the kitchen.

"Hey you two, what was that upstairs Cassidy?" Hunter asked in a serious tone.

"You remember Mandy Winger and what I told you about her and daddy?"

"Yeah, what about her?"

"Darling, she back in town and she was with Cliff Barnes." Cassidy said. "I have to get out of here." Cassidy said pushing Hunter out of the way and walking the living room and grabbing her purse and started toward the front door.

"I take care of it. Just make sure you at Ewing's Publishing in about hour, you know to show you the whole office or something they want."

"Ok, I'm going to see if I can't get some of the wedding stuff help outside." Lucy said going out the backway.

Cassidy was headed toward the front door when Hunter stop her. "Hunter, I'm scared, I'm so scared that my parents are gonna hurt each other." Cassidy said burying her face into Hunter's chest. "Hunter, I don't know what to do anymore?"

"What if I take you somewhere?"

"Where?" She asked.

"Come on" He said taking her hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Wait and see." He said and they was out the front door.


Bobby, Clayton & Miss Ellie are sitting on the front porch when Cassidy and Hunter came rushing out of the house.

"Hey you two, where are you going? Do you know that you have wedding here in two days."

"Bobby, Miss Ellie, we are going into town and then by Ewing Publishing. We will be back before you know." Hunter said. Miss Ellie noticed that Cassidy had been crying.

"Babydoll, what's wrong, why are you crying?"

"Because me, daddy, and Lucy told momma about Mandy being back in town and she worried that daddy going back to his ole ways and I don't know what to do, I'm going 90 miles an hour, I'm so tired and I have to work before the wedding and I have get the wedding stuff fixed." She said crying again. She start to feel a little dizzy, she grabbed onto Hunter.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

"I just feel alittle dizzy, I think I need to sit down." She said. Hunter lead her over to the porch swing. "I can't wait til we are married and that I know that daddy and momma are going to be alright." She said.

"Me either darling, remember what I said before we even came back to Dallas. We are going to be together, I love you, and I will never hurt you." Hunter said. Cassidy just smiled back at him.

"Where did I ever find you?" Cassidy said giving him a kiss.

"That what I was thinking!" Miss Ellie said. "You got you there a good man Cassidy, don't ever lose him."

"I won't, I love you so much, I love all of ya so much. I wondering what momma and daddy are doing? I haven't heard them, have you?"

"Let them work it out." Hunter said.

"You know what, I feel so much better, I feel so much pressure gone." Cassidy said.

"Good, now can I show you what I was gonna show you?" Hunter said.

"Yeah, I can't wait. Let's go, we'll talk to ya later, bye"

"Bye darling, have fun." Miss Ellie said waving at them. Cassidy looked back and waved. They got into Cassidy's Porsche and drove off.

"Bobby, has Cassidy always been unstable like this?" Clayton asked.

"No, actually she hasn't, its this whole wedding thing and with Sue Ellen and JR getting back together and the miscarriage. She has been through alot in four months. But, I seen her in most worst estate she could have been in. She just like Sue Ellen, she thinks if there is a problem you should drink her problems away." Bobby said. "But like I said she just like Sue Ellen, she finally realize that she didn't need alcohol and she overcome it. I was so proud of her. Then, she started building a business and a love for writing. She want to be the biggest publishing company in Texas and one of the biggest in the country, which she has accomplished." Bobby said.

"Well, she is just angel. Jock would have love her." Miss Ellie said. "Lucy loves her so much and they got so close. I think she tells her more stuff then she ever told anybody."

"Well, I love her to death. She fits so well into this family, it was like we have known about her the whole time." Clayton said.

"I wonder what JR and Sue Ellen are up too, I haven't heard them since Cassidy told blurred out that Mandy was back. I heard she yell it out." Bobby said.


JR and Sue Ellen are in bed tangle up in covers and each other. Sue Ellen snuggle up to him and caressing his chest.

"I love you JR" Sue Ellen said.

"I love you, but I bet our daughter is waiting on us at Ewing Publishing." JR said.

"I hope she calms down some, I think we need to have a talk with her. She is so vulnerable about us and this wedding, and work, she so tied up with she don't know how to adapt to it, and the pain she been through, the miscarriage, us getting back together and upset her more, I love to her to death JR, I don't want her to feel pain." Sue Ellen said.

"I know, I don't want to hurt her or John Ross, I think we need to talk to her too, we can do it at Ewing Publishing, I just don't want to get up. I love you so much, I love our children, and I love that thing you're carrying inside of there." He said pointing to her stomach. Sue Ellen smiled.

"You forgot about Mandy?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Yeah, I don't care about her nomore, I rather stay in bed with you than even say Mandy's name." He said kissing her.

"Oh come on JR, we have to get up in a minute." Sue Ellen said laughing.

"Alright, you care to take a shower with me." JR asked.

"Actually, I need to talk to Miss Ellie, so you go ahead and I meet you downstairs." Sue Ellen said.

"Ok, I see you downstairs and then we go to Ewing Publishing and then if Hunter and Cassidy want to go out to a special dinner."

"I would love that and I love you so much." She said kissing him.

"I love you too darling, just remember that." JR said. Sue Ellen smiled back.

"We better get up. I hate to upset our daughter anymore." Sue Ellen said getting up. "Come on JR, get up." She said throwing a pillow at him.

"Alright, alright" He said laughing. Sue Ellen started to get dress and JR was in the shower.

"I'm going downstairs JR." Sue Ellen yelled but JR didn't answer. She walked downstairs and went into the living room where Miss Ellie was. "Hello Miss Ellie" Sue Ellen said sitting down.

"Well Sue Ellen, you're looking better, you look so lively."

"Thank you, I know about Mandy, and JR and me aren't worrying about it. We made a commitment to each other, and he means it this time. He hasn't even thought about her."

"Good, I'm happy for you two." Miss Ellie said sipping some of coffee. Sue Ellen pick up a picture of her, Cassidy, John Ross, and JR when she first came back to Dallas.

"Have you seen this picture yet, I have million of pictures of us four but never have them out, when the rest of my stuff comes back from London, I will show you all of them. I have some of us on the beaches and in front of landmarks." Sue Ellen said thinking. "Oh, I have to show this one of Cassidy & John Ross infront of the house in London, she was coming though on business and Hunter wasn't with her." Sue Ellen said chucking.

"I can't wait. We should start to scrapbook alot of stuff. I know I have pictures from way back even when the boys was little."

"That will be great. I know Cassidy has a whole box of picture at the ranch in Houston. She wants to wait til the house is done before moving everything. But, I have to get my stuff out of the house because my least has ran out. We gonna use my furniture in the living room."

"Have you and Cassidy pick out something for the house?" Miss Ellie asked.

"Oh god yes, you should see her yesterday. We was having lunch at The Cafe and we was walking down the street and she saw this furniture store and we had to go in there and it the most beautiful place. When Cassidy comes back from the honeymoon, we going to that story because the house is nearly done, JR and I went out there early this morning to look at it and it coming along fast. I think in another couple of weeks it will be done. Did you really want us to build the house on Southfork?"

"Not at first but I know that you and JR needs your space and so does Cassidy and Hunter, actually I'm liking it more and more each day." Miss Ellie said. JR finally came downstairs.

"Finally, I thought you was gonna stay up there all day." Sue Ellen said giving him a kiss and him sitting beside him.

"I'm sorry darling, are you about ready, I told Cassidy we would be there at 2 and it nearly 1 and I thought we could take a long drive so let go. I talk to you later momma and if you need anything we'll be at Ewing's Publishing."

"Alright sweetheart, talk to you later Miss Ellie and thank you for talking."

"Oh don't mention it, I enjoy it." Miss Ellie said. JR and Sue Ellen walk to the door hand and hand and walked out.


At Ewing's Publishing, Cassidy and Hunter walk into the office, after having lunch at a fancy restaurant. They walk upto the secretary's desk.

"Good Afternoon Steph, any messages for me?" Cassidy asked looking at Hunter who was smiling back at him.

"Hey ya, having a good afternoon...and yes you do have some messages...and there is two people in your office wanting to talk to you...they didn't give any names...they say it's business." Stephaine said.

"Alright, thanks and yes we are having a wonderful afternoon." Cassidy said.

"That's good to hear, I want to wish ya good luck at the wedding. I know I'm off tomorrow and I want see you two til the wedding, but we been friends so long time. "

"Oh Stephaine, we'll always be friends." Cassidy said. "Well, I think I better go and see what's up." Cassidy said, her and Hunter made their way down to Cassidy's office and when the open the door, they was shocked to see Mandy Winger and Cliff Barnes in her office. "What the hell are you two doing here?" Cassidy said walking in. "I was having a damn good afternoon and now this." Cassidy said, she was getting angry, and Hunter knew it.

"Well Miss Ewing, we here because of our company, your granddaddy's company."

"I don't understand. What do you want from me?" Cassidy said sitting down in her chair.

"Jock, left JR's oldest child 15% shares of Ewing Oil no matter what."

"What is she doing here, ruining somebody else life." Cassidy said.

"She is my partner. But, let me tell you this."

"What Mr. Barnes, I don't have all day, my parents are suppose to be here any minute and I don't want either of ya here because my mother is pregnant and I don't want anything to happen and I don't want to upset." She said in her strongest voice even though inside she was crumbing. She couldn't stand either of them and she want them gone.

"You can't get those shares until you're 25, which is another couple of years but your uncle and daddy are allowed to them and are the only one who can sign them over. You uncle Bobby won't and your daddy won't go near them. I was wondering if you could get your daddy to sign over those shares." Cliff said with a smiled. Cassidy looked back at him and smiled.

"Well, why don't you asked him yourself." Cassidy said pointing toward the door. Cliff & Mandy both looked at the door and saw JR & Sue Ellen there, with his arm around Sue Ellen, who was smiling back at her daughter.

"Look what the wind blew in. Tramp and a loser." Sue Ellen said. JR & Cassidy was suprise by Sue Ellen had just said but she had meant it. Mandy & Cliff in their whole marriage had hurt them.

"Sue Ellen, it's so nice to see you again. Where your bottle, decided to leave at home for a change?" Mandy said fighting back. She was mad to see them two together.

"That's enough, I will not let you talk to Sue Ellen like that." JR said in a stern voice. Cassidy was so proud of her father, she finally had the convinced that her parents are together forever.

"Oh daddy, I just heard that I owe part of Ewing Oil, but Mr. Barnes and her want my shares, but I'm not allowed to them until I'm 25. What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know, why don't you asked you mother? I'm not apart of Ewing Oil nomore and I know that me and Bobby is the only ones who can sign them over."

"Well, I want you to give them to your uncle Bobby, he needs something to do."

"I made a quick call then." Cassidy said. Hunter was enjoy the show. He knew JR was crazy over Sue Ellen and he wasn't gonna ruin it. "Uncle Bobby, this is Cassidy, I have a present for you...I want to give you my shares of Ewing Oil. I don't want them, daddy or momma don't want them but I do know who want them but I'm not giving to them or anything. You will...thank you so much...I see you at home...thanks again uncle Bobby...I love you too..bye" Cassidy said hanging up the phone and her best Texan voice she said. "You're aren't my problem anymore and you're sure ain't my parents problem anymore...so if you don't mind...I have a business to run...so go and bother Uncle Bobby ...because he the only one now who can sell you those shares." Cassidy said with that Ewing's smile which got Cliff temper up. He got up and looked at Cassidy.

"Barnes, you hurt my little girl, I beat the hell out of you" JR said letting go of Sue Ellen and walking toward Cliff. Sue Ellen knew that it was gonna be hell.

"Oh daddy, I'm strong and I'm an Ewing, I'm like you and momma, and Mr. Barnes, if I'm both of my parents, that's a bad combination, I will destroy you and Mandy if you try to hurt me, my parents, brother, Hunter, and my family." Cassidy said in a tone that JR, Hunter, and Sue Ellen didn't want to hear but knew it would help get Mandy and Cliff out of their lives.

"Well, I think we should be going Mandy, It was good to see you and I wish you and Hunter the bestest of luck. But, remember this, I owe what you granddaddy once own." Cliff said.

"You remember this, I never knew him, I never like Ewing Oil, I never want it ever and I still don't. So take Ewing Oil and shove it." Cassidy said getting up and over to the door. "So if you don't mind, I would like to talk to my family ALONE!!" Cassidy said opening the door. She felt independed, she felt strong, she felt like she was free of what was bugging her. She was satisfy of what she just did. Sue Ellen could sense something different about her and she was wondering, did it done some good, would they have to have a talk like they want. Then Sue Ellen said and walking over to her daughter, who she was proud of.

"You heard my daughter, OUT!!!" Sue Ellen said. JR loved Sue Ellen when she was that why.

"The Ewings may have won this battle but I will ruin ya so bad." Cliff said taking Mandy's hand they walk out of Cassidy's office.

"Bastard" Cassidy said slamming the door and going to get her some water.

"Darling, you was wonderful." JR said kissing Sue Ellen.

"I wasn't, you was. I'm so proud of you JR."

"I am too daddy, I'm so relieved, I feel like I'm floating on air. I don't feel so much pressure, I can be happy without worrying about you two hurting each other, I feel like I'm your daughter and not your protector." Cassidy said smiling back at her parents. Hunter walk over to Cassidy and gave her the biggest kiss. "What was that for?" Cassidy said giggling.

"I just love the new Cassidy Ewing. You get better and better." Hunter said.

"I'm proud of you Cassidy, you proved that you don't us to protected you and that you don't need us to hold you hand like when you was little."

"I'm proud of you two, I never could have done what you two have done to each other, I mean I never could forget and forgive." Cassidy said. "I love ya so much." She said hugging Sue Ellen who held tight.

"Still my little girl" Sue Ellen said holding.

"I don't care how independed I get, I will always need you and daddy. I don't care if I'm the queen of England, I will still need you two." Cassidy said.


Cliff and Mandy are outside of Ewing's Publishing.

"Cliff, I think I will meet you back at your house. I have some business to take care of." Mandy said getting an idea.

"Alright, but hurry up."

"Oh, this won't take long."


Mandy walk back into Ewing's Publishing. Cliff wonder what she was up too but he really didn't care, he had to get Bobby to sign over those shares.


In Cassidy's office, The family is hugging and laughing.

"Oh my gosh, I haven't had this much fun in awhile." Cassidy said.

"Me either, especially with my daughter." Sue Ellen said.

"Ok, I want to hear some of the famous stories about my so-to-be wife in two days." Hunter said sitting down in Cassidy's chair.

"Oh no, don't tell him anything." Cassidy said laughing.

"Let me think about a time when she was little." JR said.

"DADDY, I hate talking about the past." Cassidy said.

"Oh I got one" Sue Ellen said sitting on JR's lap. "I remember when Cassidy was about 5, we took a vacation in South Carolina along the beach house that me and JR own there, well Cassidy though she was a big girl and didn't need nobody out there in the water with her, so she went in the water and me and JR was putting up the umbrella and the towels and we noticed that Cassidy wasn't nearby, so we went calling out for her, and she wasn't answer and I was freaking out and so was JR and then we heard her crying out help and I spot her in the water and JR run as fast as he could and so was I, JR jump in the water and swam to her and when he brought her back she wouldn't let go of JR, and she keep saying she was sorry, she didn't mean to run out there beside herself, and I swear she wouldn't leave mine or JR side for the rest of that trip, I mean me and JR could swim without her on our backs or us carrying her." Sue Ellen said chucking at her. "You know what? I like go back and tell those."

"I love hearing them, I know I don't talk alot about the past but I have my reason but I tell you darling so more about my past. I have alot of story to tell but never told them."

"Well, its almost 4:00, I wonder where Lucy is." Sue Ellen said.


Southfork in Lucy's bedroom. Lucy's packing her bags when Miss Ellie came in.

"Lucy, what are you doing?"

"I'm going home to Mitch, I can't still being away from him. Oh, I forgot about Cassidy and the others, I have to call down there." Lucy said going over to the phone and dailing Ewing's Publishing.

"Lucy, are you not gonna stay for the wedding?" Miss Ellie asked with concern.

"I will be back tomorrow, I'm gonna to find out if I have a future with Mitch and if I don't, I'm through with him, I can't live my life thinking is it gonna work or he gonna think I'm too rich and leave me or me leave him." Lucy said. "Oh hi Stephaine, this is Lucy, is Cassidy in her office still? Alright, hey Cassidy this is Lucy, I'm sorry that I miss you this afternoon, I'm going back to Houston for the day with the plane so I be back before the wedding. I hope you not mad at me, I just need to know if Mitch and me have a future. I'm tired of playing games. Alright, I see you when I get back. Bye and give my love to Sue Ellen, JR, and Hunter. Bye" Lucy said hanging up the phone.

"Lucy, I hope you know what you are doing." Miss Ellie said looking at her granddaugther.


Ewing's Publishing, Cassidy's office. Cassidy just got off the phone.

"That was Lucy, she said she was sorry for not coming down but she beening thinking about her and Mitch, did ya heard the argument they had this morning, I mean it woke me up and I was so tired that I couldn't stand to be up, and he said that if she want to be with him, he would be in Houston. So, she going down there to see if they do have a future because tired of it. And she said she taking the plane daddy, she wants to get back before the wedding."

"Good for her, she needs to find somebody that will love her and not be imitate by Ewing's money." Sue Ellen said. "That has always been Mitch's problem, he can't accepted that his wife is rich."

"Well, I think I'm about ready to go home, I still have to fixed the flowers for the wedding." Cassidy said. "With some help for momma of course, I can't wait til Jenna and Charlie comes back from her sister tomorrow, I need more help around here."

"Not so fast, we want to take you and Hunter to dinner tonight, so no more wedding plans til tomorrow, so let go." Sue Ellen said.

"Oh, first I need to get some files out of my office. Hunter, you want to come with me so the girls can have a chat."

"Sure JR, why not?" Hunter said and they walk out of the office and toward JR's office which wasn't but two offices down. They reach the door and noticed it wasn't lock like JR had left this morning when he was down here.

"Uh, that's funny, I could have sworn I lock this morning. Oh well. Let me get those files." He said open the door to see Mandy there half clothed. "What the hell are you doing in here? I want you out now, I don't want you nomore, I'm in love with Sue Ellen, and I'm made a commitment to her and I'm not gonna break it now, and if you don't know she pregnant with my child, the child that we made with love and I'm not gonna ruin that just for one night with you, I don't want to live that way nomore." He said throwing her clothes at her. Sue Ellen and Cassidy heard him and ran down to his office and was shocked by what they saw but they had heard what he said and they just want to go to him and hugged him. Cassidy whisper to Sue Ellen.

"You got yourself a faithful man, don't ever lose him."

"Trust me, I know, and I'm never letting him go." Sue Ellen said smiling at him. JR turned around and saw both Cassidy and Sue Ellen standing there.

"Sue Ellen, Cassidy, its not what you think." JR said going over to Sue Ellen.

"I know, I heard what you said JR and I love you too and I'm glad that you have finally changed." Sue Ellen said embracing JR and kissing him, her kisses made him feel like he was gonna melt. Mandy looked back in disgusted.

"Oh what's wrong Mandy? Didn't get your way?" Cassidy said sarcastically.

"I'm through, I'm tired of the Ewings, all they do is hurt each other and its sick." Mandy said grabbing her clothes. "I'm leaving Dallas for good and I will never have to see you damn faces again." Mandy said leaving the office.

"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Cassidy said. Sue Ellen and JR still embraced.

"I love you Sue Ellen, I meant every word."

"I know, I believe you and I'm glad that we don't have to worry about her no more." Sue Ellen said kissing him again. She felt so much love from him.

"Momma, daddy, where are we eating at? I think this day has the most worst effect on anybody and I haven't eat since this morning and what momma been throught, she gotta be hungry." Cassidy said smiling.

"Actually, I'm starving." Sue Ellen said. "Where are we going darling?"

"I was thinking about going to The Red Room." JR said. Cassidy was suprise.

"Are you kidding?? That has to be the most expensive place in Dallas."

"No, I'm not kidding, I want to take my daughter out for the last time as my little girl, in less than two days, you will be Mrs. Hunter Wade."

"I was thinking about that, I was think about keeping my maiden name but like Cassidy "Ewing" Wade because of the company and Hunter has agree to it. So, you're not losing me forever. I'm still you're little girl." Cassidy said going to hug JR. Sue Ellen and Hunter watched.

"Well, before any of us starts crying, I'm ready to eat." Sue Ellen said wiping a tear away.

"Oh momma" Cassidy said hugging her, she loved Sue Ellen and she knew that Sue Ellen was gonna be emotional with the pregnancy and everything going on but she was gonna be there for her, with every step. "I love you momma, I'm here if you need me."

"I will always need you babydoll." Sue Ellen said. "Well, I'm ready." Sue Ellen said. She wrap her arm around Cassidy shoulders and they walk out of the office followed by JR & Hunter.


The Red Room. At the table Cassidy, Sue Ellen, Hunter, and JR are sitting at, the waiter are taking the orders.

"Oh my goodness, there is so much to choose from. I don't know what really to order." Sue Ellen said. "Oh, I think I take the chicken and with a baked potato with water."

"I order the same." Cassidy said.

"I think I will take the steak, fully cooked." JR said.

"I take the steak, fully cooked too." Hunter said.

"Will that be all, it will be a moment." The waiter said and walking off.

"How are ya liking it so far?" JR asked.

"I loving it." Cassidy said. "Thank you for doing this. I think everybody need to be on their own for awhile." Cassidy said.

"Yeah, after today, I don't know what to expect next." Sue Ellen said.

"Just except a wonderful future." JR said kissing Sue Ellen.

"I toast to that." Cassidy said raising her water and everybody else and clinging glasses. "Oh here comes our food." Cassidy said. They eat their food and laugh and talk about the new house and everything you could think of.


Next morning, Cassidy and Sue Ellen are outside telling where to put everything.

"I'm glad that the chairs and the tables don't come til tomorrow and I don't have to worried about that."

"You're getting married tomorrow." Sue Ellen said with sadness.

"Momma, I'm just getting married, we'll be living in the same house remember." Cassidy said walking over to her mother and giving her comforted.

"I love you, I don't know what I do if I didn't have you here with me."

"You don't have to ever know either." Cassidy said. Bobby came out with some papers.

"Hey uncle Bobby, what are those?" Cassidy said pointing at the paper.

"The papers to finalize the deal between you and me about your shares."

"I don't want them and neither does daddy." Cassidy said firm.

"I'm not interest in them either so I'm gonna sell them to Cliff for alot more than they are worth because after I saw ya come home last night and told us about your day, I have to say what they did and what that bimbo did, I think it the perfect payback."

"Uncle Bobby, you know Cliff will have full control over Ewing's Oil. The Ewings don't own it anymore."

"I really don't give a damn, I never gave a damn about the stupid company. It ruins more than anything, it ruin lives, so let it ruin Cliff's life." Bobby said. Cassidy looked up toward the front gate.

"Hey, is that Lucy driving up. She alone, I wondering if she and Mitch made up or it's really over." Sue Ellen said walking over to the car, Cassidy and Bobby following. "Hey Luce" Sue Ellen said. Lucy looked up in tears.

"Oh Sue Ellen, it's over, he don't want to work it out." Lucy said, Sue Ellen went over to her and embrass her and hold her while she cry.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright" Sue Ellen said trying to comfort her, she kinda knew how it felt. Cassidy went over to them and hug both of them.

"We here for you Lucy, you'll find somebody that will love you and don't care where you come from or give a damn about money." Cassidy said tearing up.

"I love you all so much. I just don't know what to do." Lucy said hugging both of them. Miss Ellie came out of the house seeing Lucy crying with Sue Ellen and Cassidy hugging her.

"He didn't want to work things out did he sweetheard." Miss Ellie said reaching into her apron for a handchief and handing it to Lucy.

"Thank you grandma." Lucy said wiping away her tears. "Where JR & Hunter?"

"They are in town making sure that their wedding present arrived or something." Cassidy said.

"I'm alright now, thank you so much for being here for me ya. I don't know what I do without you here. I don't care what they say about being an Ewing, I wouldn't change it for nobody." Lucy said. "I will find somebody, who will love me for me and wouldn't be imiate by my money. Now, we have wedding stuff to do." Lucy said going over to the man and ordering him around. Cassidy let out a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" Sue Ellen asked.

"Nothing important, I just want to laugh again." Cassidy said walking over to where Lucy was.

"Sue Ellen, you got you there a smart gal."

"I know, I know" She said looking at her daughter.

Copyright 2004 By: SueEllenFan4ever/Nikie